Example sentences of "see his eye " in BNC.

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1 Nicola had made me go and see if he was okay and I said yes he was , because I 'd seen his eye move and I left him there .
2 ‘ He 'd tied a black scarf , or a stocking , or something over his face , and I could only see his eyes between that and his hat brim .
3 I could only see his eyes shining in the light of the fire .
4 I can just see his eyes .
5 Now she would see his eyes flash dark with anger , and hear his voice crack …
6 I looked uneasily at Martinho , who no doubt was n't too happy either , except I could n't see his eyes .
7 But I could see his eyes .
8 But I can see his eyes in the little mirror .
9 He just looked at Mr. Mendez , though you could n't see his eyes in the shadow of his hat brim .
10 There were deep shadows across the room now and his face was in one of them so she could n't see his eyes clearly .
11 She saw his eyes grow round , bewilderment and disbelief on his face .
12 ‘ You saw his eyes ? ’
13 They saw his eyes open wide until they seemed about to start from his head .
14 I saw his eyes through the eye-holes of his wedding suit .
15 Tell me everything , ’ she saw his eyes soften and knew that he would surely tell her all there was to know .
16 Fenella , hardly daring to speak , but knowing she must raise her voice above the treadmills , said , ‘ Where is — ’ And saw his eyes smile , as if to say : he is not here for the moment .
17 She saw his eyes become unnaturally bright and his lips begin to tremble , but as she faced him across the room , she felt neither pity nor tenderness .
18 But I have to say , when I saw his eyes start to dart round the room looking for Nicola , I felt better for it .
19 Rain saw his eyes go to the clock .
20 But then she saw his eyes staring emptily ahead of him , and knew he was walking in his sleep .
21 She saw his eyes change and knew he had witnessed her realisation .
22 He moved away , ostensibly to examine a corner of the abbey , but she saw his eyes were colder than the stones of which it was built .
23 Kate smiled sweetly as she saw his eyes probing the possibilities of her figure .
24 She saw his eyes travel her body and Robyn wondered what kind of a mess she much look .
25 She saw his eyes slip a fraction , registered the all too familiar male gleam in his eyes , and with a swift glance at her gaping robe knew exactly what he meant .
26 She saw his eyes skim reflectively over her body , felt herself blush under his potent male gaze .
27 For a second we were close and I saw his eyes .
28 She saw his eyes go to the coat fixture , and guessed that he knew the jacket hanging there belonged to Travis when he went and took it from its hanger .
29 She saw his eyes flick over her neatly fitting cotton lace blouse and down to her hip-hugging velvet culottes .
30 The shock was mutual , for Sophie saw his eyes widen in astonishment , but his momentary smile of pleasure was instantly suppressed .
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