Example sentences of "see [art] figure " in BNC.

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1 As he turned he caught a glimpse of something go past the open door , he dashed outside in time to see the figure of the old tramp going towards the slope as if to climb up and away .
2 As I walked across the car park I looked back at the police station and almost expected to see the figure of Inspector Drew looming at one of the windows as in an early Orson Welles film .
3 Another flash of lightning allowed him to see the figure of a woman running towards the rick .
4 People who are good at seeing the figure ground relationships in pictures tend also to be good at sentence-completion exercises , word analogies , problem solving , and so on .
5 She ran for her life , never seeing the figure detach itself from the wall , as she did in that far off childhood nightmare .
6 For that , on Locke 's understanding of how visual sensations are related to impressions on the retina , is the same in the two cases of my seeing the figure as a drawing of a duck and my seeing it as a drawing of a rabbit .
7 In 208 he writes : ‘ I want to ask : what constitutes seeing the figure now like this , now another way ?
8 Glancing round at Ursula , Charlotte realized she too had seen the figure .
9 Had Charles Sunderby imagined it , or had he really seen the figure of a man standing frozen at the wheel ?
10 His sharp eyes had seen a figure moving in the darkness in front of us , and as the man came closer , I could see that it was indeed Stapleton .
11 She was so busy thinking about the people upstairs that she did not see the figure standing in the shadows of the kitchen doorway .
12 She could see the figure of a man in the shadows .
13 Nigger could vaguely see a figure sitting on the stone slab on the left hand side of the small room .
14 On approaching the pub they could see a figure in a black T-shirt with white lettering through the opaque glass of the gents ' toilet .
15 He could see a figure within the Lift detach itself from the group and glance quickly in his direction .
16 He thought he could see a figure moving in front of him .
17 Two years ago , Capitol police reported seeing a figure who looked like Senator Thomas Hart Benton — thought to have left the premises in 1855 — sitting at his old desk in an historical display .
18 Occupied in their garden on a June day in 1797 , they looked up to see a figure standing in a gateway at the top of the gentle slope one hundred yards from the mansion .
19 ‘ There was enough light from the moon and from the light in the house to see a figure . ’
20 A sound caused her to jump slightly and she half turned to see a figure silhouetted in the doorway .
21 Then he saw the figure standing by the water trough and his voice faded away , with an apologetic , lop-sided grin .
22 He saw the figure in the yellow dress become smaller and smaller .
23 Without thinking she snapped off a shot towards him , and through the blur of sweat in her eyes saw the figure spin , and lurch .
24 There by the light of an adjoining street lamp he clearly saw the figure of a station master or porter wearing a flat-topped regulation hat apparently waiting for a train .
25 My informant thinks that what he saw was genuine and was certain that someone was down there , his mate in the other box was equally sure that he too saw the figure .
26 If the person never saw the figure otherwise than as he does now , to say that he interprets what he sees in a certain way may be taken — because of ( 1 ) above — to imply that all seeing involves ( a ) the immediate awareness of something uninterpreted and ( b ) the interpretation of it in the light of past experience .
27 She inhaled sharply when she saw the figure there .
28 Even Mortimer felt a tingle of horror as he saw the figure approach Ace and laugh , but he was momentarily taken aback when Ace 's hands suddenly whipped round and grabbed the man 's shoulders , and she kneed him swiftly in the groin .
29 George stopped and Libby crouched beside him , waiting until her eyes saw the figure by the tree .
30 Er and when you saw the figure or figures did you say anything then ?
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