Example sentences of "see [noun] no. " in BNC.

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1 A meeting for College Registrars has already been held ( see Update No. 2 ) .
2 Since these observations were received , SCOTVEC and CNAA have agreed that joint Validation Events may be held ( see Update No. 2 ) and it is hoped that this will avoid problems of this kind arising .
3 See case no. 1 outlined below .
4 For an example of how the amount of a redundancy payment is arrived at see case no. 2 outlined below .
5 As this village was inaccessible , the enemy patrols were unlikely to reach it undetected , but if they did the platoon headquarters was sufficiently mobile for the captain , sergeant , and their two runners/signalmen to withdraw quickly over the hill , taking their radio with them — a different proposition to moving a 109-set , for now the guerrillas had dry battery radios ( see Appendix No. 5 ) designed by Lieutenant Barcham , a New Zealander , for use by the Independent Companies .
6 For information on other forms of cancer induced by tobacco use , see Factsheet No. 12 in this series and for the effects of pipe and cigar smoking on the lungs , see Factsheet No. 13 .
7 For information on other forms of cancer induced by tobacco use , see Factsheet No. 12 in this series and for the effects of pipe and cigar smoking on the lungs , see Factsheet No. 13 .
8 ( For further information on passive smoking see Factsheet No. 7 in this series . )
9 ( For further information see Factsheet no. 10 in this series , ‘ Smoking and Arterial Disease ’ . )
10 ( For further information on passive smoking see Factsheet No. 7 . )
11 The debate over the salmon is likely to prove an even bigger political issue than that of the future of the northern spotted owl ( see ED No. 40 ) because it involves several industries , whereas the owl involved only logging .
12 The European Community has agreed to ban the use of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) by June 1997 — three years ahead of the deadline laid down in the Montreal Protocol on protection of the ozone layer [ see ED no. 35/36 ] .
13 In state elections in Hesse , Germany , on Jan. 20 , the Greens were able to improve their position after a poor showing in the German general election in December ( when the party had lost representation at federal level — see ED no. 41/42 ) .
14 The Botswana government has decided not to go ahead with plans to dredge the Boro River and build on the Okavango delta [ see ED No. 43 ] .
15 The Multilateral Fund will channel money from richer nations to help third-world economies implement the provisions of the Montreal Protocol on protection of the ozone layer [ see ED no. 39 ] .
16 The chemical group continues to make about 50,000 tons a year , but aims to phase out production by 1997 in accordance with the Montreal Protocol — an international ozone layer treaty [ see ED no. 39 ] .
17 The massive oil slick in the northern Gulf , caused in large part by Iraq 's action in deliberately releasing oil into the sea [ see ED no. 43 ] , continued to cause concern during February , although earlier reports that it would have a devastating effect on marine ecology appeared to be exaggerated .
18 The Institution of Environmental Health Officers fears that the disposal of carcasses on farmland could result in large scale pollution of water courses [ see ED no. 44 ] .
19 Attempts by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the British Herpetological Society to have the development halted in the courts were defeated in December 1990 [ see ED no. 41/42 ] .
20 The recent Antarctic Treaty meeting [ see ED no. 41/42 ] pointed up the lack of research so far carried out .
21 France 's last remaining colony of bears , in the Pyrenees National Park , are under renewed threat from road building schemes [ see ED no. 44 for farmers ' fears that the bears posed threats to their livestock ] .
22 Japanese government officials have said that the main cause of the accident at the Mihama nuclear plant in February [ see ED no. 44 ] lay in faulty installation of anti-vibration fittings 19 years ago .
23 The Madrid meeting was technically the second part of the 11th special session of the Treaty conference , the first part of which had been held in Vina del Mar , Chile , at the end of 1990 [ see ED no. 41-42 ] .
24 The Thai government has responded to conservationist pressure by announcing its intention to crack down on its illegal wildlife trade [ see ED no. 45 ] .
25 Under particular threat are the 1,700 remaining greater one-XXXX horned rhinos , native to Nepal and India , the 3,400 black rhinos of east and southern Africa , the last rhinos in Sumatra ( 700 ) and Java , where only 65 remain [ see ED no. 45 ] .
26 The report was drawn up as part of the evidence in the recently completed court case against Exxon [ see ED no. 45 ] .
27 It was upheld at last year 's meeting in Noordwijk [ see ED no. 37/38 ] .
28 A year after a referendum failed to endorse proposed sweeping restrictions on hunting [ see ED no. 35/36 ] , the Italian Chamber of Deputies has approved a bill cutting the hunting season by three months , restricting hunters to designated reserves and limiting the number of species which can be killed .
29 Timber operations on 66,000 acres of US national forests in Oregon , Washington and California states have been blocked by a federal judge , acting in support of the law which protects the Spotted Owl as an endangered species [ see ED no. 40 ] .
30 There is also concern about heavy metals , the waste products of industrial plants on the mainland [ see ED no. 44 ] .
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