Example sentences of "when i asked " in BNC.

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1 When I asked Ali Ahmed Yonis , the local guerrilla commander , how many fighters the SNM had , he replied simply : ‘ I do n't know .
2 They looked at me apprehensively when I asked for a drink of cider or wine .
3 When I asked how he communicated with Bengali patients who spoke no English he said ‘ I have no trouble in communicating with them because I learned pidgin English in the army . ’
4 When I asked Alex Lyon about this in an interview in early 1976 his answer was :
5 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
6 When I asked a Pakistani woman in her forties about this interpretation , she said :
7 When I asked my mother what she was doing , she replied : ‘ I thought if nothing were to come of your relationships , I could cut them out of the photographs ! ’
8 When I asked if they could make me an identical one trimmed with black fur and beading instead , they were horrified but they agreed in the end . ’
9 She has a tendency to hug herself tightly when grappling with a question , and at one point , when I asked her how she saw herself in the future , grown up and faced with decisions about her own children , she panicked for an instant and had to be consoled by the female interpreter .
10 When I asked him what those eminent shrinks did with themselves in the evenings he explained that they gathered in the hotel bar .
11 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
12 When I asked if there was anything she would like me to bring , she shook her head .
13 In Oxford , the voice of the gnomic Professor Sammy Finer , a declared political agnostic , rose a full octave when I asked him about it : ‘ It simply is n't true any longer that merit will out .
14 When I asked why this was so she explained that since her husband died she had been managing well and felt that she had coped with all the trauma .
15 When I asked if I might walk through the camp and look at the castle from the other side , Cinderella looked distressed , so I said ‘ never mind ’ and made my way back to the stone stile .
16 To my relief , she was not shocked when I asked if I could spend most of my stay at Lough Corrib asleep in bed .
17 When I asked him if I could borrow his copy he said I would n't understand it , which is true , I suppose .
18 And when I asked his orchestra 's publicist if Daniel Barenboim would really want to be interviewed immediately after such a lengthy spell of high-altitude incarceration , she said : ‘ He came in by Concorde , he 's just been on a two-week skiing trip with his family in Switzerland — believe me , he 'll be just fine . ’
19 He is noted for possessing a ferocious intellectual curiosity — and when I asked him what he was reading while cruising across the Atlantic on Concorde , he said without flinching , Conversations with Isaiah Berlin .
20 ‘ Er , I ca n't remember , ’ he said when I asked him who he was interviewing the following week .
21 Old hands from the music business — usually loquacious if invited to reminisce — were struck by collective amnesia when I asked them about Dury .
22 When I asked a class of five-year-olds what they would like to ‘ turn me into ’ for a story , they said a witch , and added , a very wicked witch .
23 When I asked Tony Geraghty what he had meant by ‘ not being counted ’ he pointed out that the S.A.S. 's own casualty figures did not add up .
24 That was the first thing that struck me when I asked you to dance .
25 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
26 When I asked Mrs Zamzam what her sons did for a living , a young man interrupted to say that they all worked ‘ for the revolution ’ .
27 When I asked Mrs Zamzam whether she would really go back to Palestine if the frontier was opened , she did not hesitate .
28 A young man wearing a yarmulka skullcap and sitting astride a roaring tractor wiped his brow with his arm when I asked for the location of Um Al-Farajh .
29 But when I asked him how much of the land of the state of Israel might potentially have two claimants — an Arab and a Jew holding respectively a British mandate and an Israeli deed to the same property — he said he figure was accurate — and it should be remembered that over half of Israel in 1948 consisted of the Negev desert — then it suggested that Arabs owned a far greater proportion of that part of Palestine which became Israel than has previously been imagined .
30 When I asked him for his reaction , he sat hunched behind a table in his little palace , his head hanging down , his half-moon spectacles on the end of his nose .
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