Example sentences of "take a walk " in BNC.

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1 If the traveller looks out of his car or train window or takes a walk along his local brook and bears in mind what a river should look like , he can not fail to notice , in many places , mile upon mile of treeless river bank , often devoid of even a decent margin of bulrush .
2 Billy Arjan Singh ( left ) takes a walk in the jungle with Tara , the tigress whom he returned to the wild .
3 Amazon team takes a walk on the wild side
4 Mandi Millar takes a walk down some of Belfast 's memory lanes
5 I parked the jeep under a tree and then , looking at my watch , I decided that as I had a couple of hours to spare I would take a walk across to the other bridge where I had noticed a café on our first day into Normandy .
6 ‘ Now let's take a walk over the fields with Honey and Harriet .
7 ‘ Right , ’ I said , smiling , as they slid the straps of bright blue nylon knapsacks over their shoulders , ‘ we 'll take a walk into the Berkshire wilderness .
8 Difference : you can take a walk outside .
9 ‘ I 'm telling you , sir , you 'll be sorry if you do n't take a walk up there .
10 ‘ If I was ye , ’ the man said , ‘ I 'd take a walk away from here then I 'd get a taxi . ’
11 One evening , as they worked happily together , feeding and attending to the livestock , George said , ‘ I 'll just take a walk along the beck before we settle down , and check those sheep I 've brought down for lambing . ’
12 We might take a walk together . ’
13 I would finish unpacking , have a look at the cooker and set things ready for supper , then I would take a walk out to look at the sea , and gather kindling in case the evening turned chilly enough for a fire .
14 ‘ I think I 'll take a walk . ’
15 Now , I understand then that you did take a walk down Boundary Drive on that night ? ’
16 He wondered if he might take a walk before the others were up .
17 ‘ Let's take a walk .
18 Look I 've just remembered , I did take a walk — just to get a breath of fresh air . ’
19 In view of the warm weather , he suggested that we should take a walk , for which purpose he would change into lighter things .
20 ‘ Should we take a walk ? ’
21 Now , ’ he added , rising to his feet and taking the plate from her hand , ‘ it 's a beautiful moonlit night — so why do n't we take a walk in the garden , and you can tell me all about the history of your old family home ? ’
22 She told me she made a point of taking a walk each day to get out of the way of all the old people , but I was reassured when I saw that she was well-known at the café and seemed to have several friends among its patrons .
23 These directives could have been intended for the landscape gardeners , whose services were much in demand at this time and who used roses in their extensive planting schemes to provide unanticipated colour and fragrance for those taking a walk in wilderness greenery .
24 The woman had not looked like a prostitute , besides which had that been the case Fedorov 's driver should have been taking a walk along the quay , or just sitting gazing tactfully ahead .
25 From the outset , Cohn makes it very clear that he is bent on taking a walk on the wild side , to chronicle the lives of the losers he meets along this small strip of the Great American Nowhere .
26 Further to last week 's revelation that Mr Phillip Schofield , the televisionist , was espied taking a walk with an ‘ amazing dreamgirl ’ , it appears that his ‘ chum ’ , Mr Jason Donovan , the out-and-out all-round entertainer , has been squiring a Miss Narelle Curtis , an Antipodean mannequin .
27 To any Russian , the phrase ‘ taking a walk ’ had a second , more important meaning .
28 Make sure you do something that relaxes you ; it can mean reading the newspaper , taking a walk , talking to people you like , etc .
29 JEWKES leading PAMELA , now with her hands bound as if taking a walk on the estate .
30 While the ladies were fuelling their fire , in more ways than one , John Coffin was taking a walk .
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