Example sentences of "out the name " in BNC.

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1 He gave credit to local management and to the unions , singling out the name of Clem Bunker for most of the industrial relations improvements coming through .
2 He crossed out the name Pool .
3 As you collected each one , you read out the name and amount — if it was 3/6 you had to say three shillings and sixpence — no short cuts for Daniel — then sign for the money in the large Parish Account Book .
4 He could just make out the name in spite of the peeling paint .
5 The agent hesitated as he tried to read out the name of the Russian ship from the bill of laden in his hand .
6 Find out the name and address of your nearest qualified chiropractor .
7 For each child at the party , you write out the name of a nursery rhyme character , a book , or song they would know .
8 He told my father that he could see my father 's guide and that proof was possible : all my father had to do was relax on a bed , say the Lord 's Prayer , then call out the name Massa .
9 Spell out the name of each athlete .
10 It is best to phone the company before you write to find out the name of the person you should write to .
11 The unpainted doors were padlocked and above them he could vaguely make out the name Strauss , the paintwork having been abraded over the years by the weather .
12 Two or three of Dr McNab 's supporters wasted no time in surreptitiously slipping their cards of emergency instructions from their pockets , crossing out the name McNab , and substituting that of his rival , before settling back to watch their new champion in the lists .
13 Get titles right as well and if you are using initials for long names always spell out the name at least once .
14 The plea or defence to this was that the notes were made jointly and severally by the defendant 's father , John Revill , and by Samuel Revill , as well as by the defendant , and that before the action the plaintiff , without the defendant 's knowledge or consent , struck out the name of Samuel Revill on the notes and wholly discharged him from liability .
15 As he found himself speaking out the name into the imprisoned night of the Zoo he wanted to cry out with sadness .
16 Can you find out the name of the real spy ?
17 And when opening a table you still ca n't browse through directory trees to find the required file ; you can specify a default directory , but for any other directory you have to spell out the name , .
18 Miranda shouts out the name and then covers her face , giggling ; Xanthe turns , buries her head in Feeny 's breast .
19 as if in imitation of the dead bird , he would squawk out the name he loved to hear ; he would try walking like a parrot , perching on things , and extending his arms as if he had wings to beat .
20 We 're checking out the name but nothing 's come up so far . ’
21 If the goats are wrong , the eagle calls out the name of the player she is after .
22 He consulted the paper again , and , after some hesitation , made out the name of the Rose Bowl 's usual wholesaler .
23 Just before the men were shot — they 'd had two weeks inside so their beards had taken on something of the authentic rag-tag FAKINTIL glory , as opposed to the clean-shaven image they had presented in their neat malai-issue camos — one shouted out the name of Osvaldo .
24 There was an abortive attempt at a ‘ Maureen Lipman says write to me about your washing problems ’ which made me squirm with embarrassment to the extent that I 've blocked out the name of the liquid detergent concerned .
25 Voters indicated a single preference and had to spell out the name of their chosen candidate , rather than mark a box .
26 The TV commentator was excitedly describing the drama , but although she strained to hear she could not pick out the name of the victim .
27 Occasionally you had to spell out the name to tourists to avoid any needless confusion .
28 I think I 'd talk to them first and if they 're agreeable then I 'd give you their name and telephone number but I 'd have to speak to them first but I would n't just give out the name and telephone number on an ad hoc basis .
29 They had copied out the names and addresses of everyone who wrote to them and enclosed the list with a message of thanks and good wishes , asking that it be sent on .
30 We 'll read out the names of the chosen testers on the programme on Saturday September 21 .
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