Example sentences of "so far as " in BNC.

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121 The range of permissible investments , for instance , is defined by statute in so far as the settlement makes no provision ; but , even within the limits of investment allowed by statute or settlement , a trustee may incur liability by want of due care in exercising his discretion .
122 By the making of a new will or of a codicil or other writing executed with the same formalities as a will , so far as such later document is inconsistent with the will .
123 Both claims , so far as I know , are true .
124 The Christian view of life , death and afterlife as a continuum not only supplied a happy ending to the human story , but could also ‘ justify God 's ways to man ’ , in so far as the good man would be rewarded for a well-spent life , even if it seemed to have been dogged by misfortune .
125 In so far as this tendency brought with it loss of belief in survival , the Evangelicals may be said to have unintentionally contributed to the process .
126 It is unhistorical to assume that children in the last century responded to death in the same way as children today ; children 's attitudes are largely conditioned by those of adults , and in our day the usual adult attitude is to evade the subject of death , to treat it as ‘ morbid ’ and , so far as possible , to exclude it from the home .
127 The aims of these two movements , in so far as they touched on the rites of death , were sharply dissimilar : the Evangelicals aimed further to sanctify death as the gateway to immortality ; the Benthamites wished to demystify death in order to concentrate on the material means of increasing human happiness on earth .
128 Injuries and deaths at work are a significant and reducible source of danger to the citizen , and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 provides the framework for the regulation of safety in work-places with an offence of failing to ensure that , ‘ so far as is reasonably practicable ’ , employees are not exposed to risks to their health or safety .
129 This is another example of constructive liability , and it is particularly inappropriate here , in so far as the law is aiming to produce a ‘ ladder ’ of offences graded in terms of relative seriousness .
130 So far as ranking the relative seriousness of sexual assaults is concerned , however , full account should be taken of the psychological effects of such offences .
131 And Glasgow City Council even went so far as to make the rave an official 1990 European City of Culture happening .
132 ‘ The only way to change Ray MacSharry 's mind , so far as I can see , is before he makes it up .
133 He was even prepared to go so far as to admit that monotony was the most comfortable way .
134 ‘ I am to be questioned and interfered with and hounded , not to be left , doing a job of work the way I choose , a necessary job , a job our sister has made tediously inevitable , a job the result of which may save us from potential disgrace , even if we can not go so far as to expect it to improve our situation out of all recognition .
135 Peter Robinson went so far as to say that until late 1974 ‘ there was no party ’ .
136 Asthma has a great many things in its favour so far as my present purpose is concerned .
137 Possibly , there are one or two apparent links between Miller and myself which I have not yet tackled , but most of these are mere trimmings , minor coincidences , or the accidental pen droppings , as it were , of an already admitted indolence so far as ‘ research ’ on unimportant detail is concerned .
138 It was of course simple mischance that this rat-tat should happen , even though the kiosk is not so far as I know a particularly busy one .
139 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
140 I would wager that he goes so far as to say that I broke down in his room , stuttering out the words of my so-called confession between chokes and tears , unable to speak properly .
141 A worry-gut with too many improbable questions but also — so far as most of the forty others in his class were concerned — shamefully many of the right answers when the tough old lady with tightly bobbed hair and long blackboard pointer came stalking in squeaky lace-up boots up the narrow aisles between the desks .
142 But that night at the end of September which ended in revulsion and hatred so far as you were concerned had earlier come to a much more disgusting climax .
143 So far as the artistic , literary , and intellectual culture of the Roman world is concerned , that was rapidly , and on the whole smoothly , absorbed by late Roman Christianity .
144 It was possible , therefore , so far as Hitler was specifically linked to the boycott at all , to see him only in connection with presumed justifiable action , and detached from the ‘ unfortunate excesses ’ of Party activists .
145 Some calls have a more general effect , for instance a loud neigh or whinny may alarm the whole herd … in the main however , so far as communications between individuals are concerned , visual signals are more important than sounds .
146 North once told Secord that he had gone so far as to mention to the President that the Ayatollah was helping the contras .
147 And you only seemed artificial in so far as you disregarded the customary devices of false simplicity . ’
148 He even went so far as to say he missed her and Pilade , and would be glad to be home .
149 In Kufra the police and , so far as it is possible to know , the secret police , were all Kufrans ; in Ajdabiya the officers reflected the tribal composition of the local population ( although their deputy chief was an outsider on temporary assignment for a few years ) .
150 At any rate , so far as Zuwaya are concerned , it was those men who were fifty to sixty years old in 1979 who had created in the previous three decades the marked differences in wealth which did exist .
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