Example sentences of "so far as " in BNC.

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91 But for all the changes , the prime emphasis in the retail market , so far as movies are concerned , still seems to be on the past , and predominantly on the mainstream Hollywood past .
92 So far as is known , nobody else has been arrested or charged in connection with the murder of Mr Mxenge The State President , Mr F. W. de Klerk , last week refused to order a judicial commission of inquiry into the death-squad allegations on the ground that it would be faster to use the ‘ tried and respected prosecution mechanisms of the state ’ .
93 His Lordship said the defendants were employed , so far as professional skill could , to relieve the wife from the pressures of her matrimonial situation .
94 The Canadian has an operating crew of five ( excluding the dozen or so service staff ) and no one is entirely clear what they all do : fill out forms mostly , so far as I could see .
95 Growth in earnings per share is the key short-term measure so far as the City is concerned .
96 Even the cults of Real Soul , Third World Music and Go Go are forms of regressive rock , in so far as they 're fantasies generated within rock press discourse , and represent a retreat from the studio and technology in search of roots and ‘ raw truth ’ .
97 But perhaps the best tag for him is ‘ hippy ’ , in so far as that term has become , for post-punk critic and consumer alike , a cipher for pretension , over-inflation and over-reach .
98 The two biggest Third World countries , China and India , were , by contrast with Brazil , doing well so far as growth rates are concerned .
99 Two went so far as to offer to reduce the metered fare after having taken a wrong turn in error .
100 He governs , so far as he is able to , on borrowed time because none of the groups contending for power yet feels strong enough to make a grab for it .
101 But , so far as the Exercises goes , all of this is underplayed .
102 We will not follow Gassendi in much of this , but it will be of interest to note what he says in so far as it relates to experience .
103 So far as Gassendi and ( as we shall see ) Locke were concerned this objection is misplaced for , having a modest and moral view of our proper concerns , they retain an element of scepticism about man 's ability to know .
104 But so far as natural substances go we are all gazing countrymen .
105 Our knowledge is bounded by our ideas , and extends only so far as they are ideas of real essences .
106 Because of his Cartesianism , Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion , but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable .
107 So far as natural philosophy , the first of ‘ the two great provinces of speculative science , conversant about ideas received from sense ’ , is concerned , the confusion engendered by materialism is great .
108 Equity says no , and soon goes so far as to lay down a rule that a mortgage is a mere security for money , and something quite different from a genuine transfer of the ownership .
109 Of contracts for the benefit of the infant , so far as they do not coincide with contracts for necessaries , a contract for the employment of the infant , where his position in life makes employment desirable for him , is a typical case .
110 An account has already been given of the proprietary and contractual disabilities of married women at Common Law and the creation by the Court of Chancery of an equitable separate estate which a married woman could freely deal with and bind by her contracts , so far as no restraint on anticipation had been imposed , and which , in any case , she could dispose of by will .
111 So far as English lawyers have theorized about the nature of corporate personality at all , they at one time for the most part accepted the doctrine of the Canon Law , that such personality is a mere fiction of the law with no basis in fact .
112 In time of war , persons for the time being residing or doing business in an enemy country , whatever their nationality or domicile , are disabled from suing in the English Courts ; but , if sued here , they will so far as possible be given an opportunity of defending themselves .
113 First , we may think of the traditional or even oldfashioned type of man with tangible material things which belong to him — land and houses , horses and cattle , furniture and jewellery and pictures — things which he may use or destroy ( so far as that is physically possible ) ; from which he may exclude others ; which he may sell or give away or bequeath ; which , if he has made no disposition of them , will pass on his death to persons related to him .
114 Each of these future estates , though it gave no present right to possession or enjoyment , was treated as something already in existence , which could be disposed of and would descend ( so far as it is inheritable ) just like a present estate .
115 Such covenants , so far as they relate to the premises leased , are binding on and enforceable by assignees both of lessor and lessee .
116 to assimilate the law relating to chattels real and real property , and , so far as this is possible , the law relating to land and movable property ; and
117 Moreover , even at common law a lease which ought to be made by deed but is not will not completely fail of effect , if possession is taken and rent paid under it ; the tenant will be treated as tenant from year to year upon the terms of the lease so far as they are applicable to such a tenancy .
118 payments of capital do not attract inheritance tax liability , except in so far as income earned by the fund has not been paid out .
119 Without any application to the court , the mortgagee , if his mortgage is a conveyance of the legal estate or ownership , may take possession ; but this course is hazardous , since he may be called upon in a redemption action to account strictly not only for profits actually received by him , but also for those which he might but for his default have received , and all such profits , so far as they exceed the interest due for the time being , must be set off against the principal .
120 The better opinion is that the pre-1926 priorities of the legal over the equitable estate , and of the earlier in time over the later , still apply , except in so far as they are abrogated by the provisions of the 1925 legislation .
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