Example sentences of "so far and " in BNC.

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31 a page designed primarily for speaking or writing activities based on the story so far and the developing mystery
32 FEW companies have fallen so far and fast as IBM .
33 At the ripe old age of twenty-six , I had half-decided to take stock of my life so far and try to decide what to do .
34 A second survey on the German CASE market , in which 151 organisation were polled , showed that those already using CASE had invested DM 800,000 on average so far and plan to spend a further DM 120,000 on average over the next 12 months .
35 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
36 American Airlines vice-president Hans Mirka said the route had lost ten million dollars so far and this could no longer be sustained .
37 Of course you can only take this covering-up operation so far and it is sometimes prudent to remake a part .
38 Yeah I was gon na move erm on a suggestion that we had not been convinced of the need for this consortium by er , so far and and that certainly we as an authority er , have remained opposed to it on the grounds that we 've stated the terms of accountability in terms of the er , sensitivity to local needs in terms of transport issues and in terms of the clear intention to restrict patient choice erm which I think is a key think which should be emphasised
39 As will be seen from the six volumes produced so far and — no doubt — their successors , many ( not all ) of the winning entrants use econometrics to establish that advertising is responsible for a specific sales effect ( or part of it ) .
40 There is only one equation we have not considered so far and that is eqn ( 4.3 ) , which will probably look more familiar in another form .
41 Scrap the thing so far and begin another .
42 But er we got out eventually , and they managed to get a road through to us , and but er And er I remember another time where a bank came in and they were one man trapped in the far end and there were another man trapped on this end and my brother and me we we dug round to him , we got to him , we got him bared so far and what To his waist , and it was still bitting and we got hold of his belt , right , ready ?
43 There can be little doubt that this reflects the very high unemployment experienced so far and the resultant weakened state of the union movement and of labour generally .
44 Days ago she had decided to be good — she was being quite good — but she was only pretending to be good so far and all this appreciation was as yet undeserved .
45 17.20 : Join Class Teacher and parent in meeting and discuss child 's progress so far and our hopes for the future .
46 They came so far and then they stopped , looking confused and wary .
47 Ram has published a message to the world which gives details of his trip so far and carries information on the reason for his extraordinary journey .
48 So there was a stage where we did say , this scheme is going so far and anybody that buys a house out with that area , they 're free to apply for grants .
49 And what we used to do to begin with the canal used to dip in the middle , you know there was bike wheels and dead cats and everything in it , and it used to dip and , and there was a sludge and , and the barges used to go up and down with a horse pulling them , and in the middle there was a , so you could n't bottom it in the middle , so when I learnt to swim I used to dive off this ledge and go under the water so far and I , I could reach the bottom when I got to the other side .
50 They they fix it up with wires and they got so far and as the tide rise , cos the ship come up and they take 'em out and take 'em to the dock , take 'em out with a heavy crane .
51 They were generally larger than the buildings described so far and were often more elaborate , with hypocausts , painted wall plaster or mosaic flooring .
52 Indeed , she walked so far and so long that she was too tired to write anything at all upon her return and did not in fact send a reply until the following day .
53 What they have grasped is that the other is a dubiously soft touch who knows she 's been lucky so far and feels guilt-ridden enough to want to put something back into the public melting pot which has been kind enough to approve of her .
54 WGPT general manager , is delighted with developments so far and commented : ‘ This move by WGPT has made the competition stand up and take notice , particularly if you consider the combined experience , expertise and technology base of the two companies .
55 Thank you for the prompt and efficient service given so far and I hope this is an indication of the quality of supervision that we can expect .
56 A man will go so far and then he will snap .
57 The Hon Secretary gave a resume of the events held so far and also said that he was pleased to have many requests for information and membership from a wide area of the country .
58 One of our Committee members , the Rev. Ray Arnold , gave a short address and dedication , saying that enterprises like this one can so easily be a flash in the pan , but this one has surmounted its problems so far and achieved much .
59 When will the Minister and the Foreign Secretary get together with their European colleagues , call Israel in , and say , ’ That is it — so far and no further ; no more Mr. Nice Guy , ’ because the soft-soaping approach simply has not worked ?
60 A superbly organised defence has been the key factor so far and even now at the zero hour , the men at the back are steeling themselves for a final defiant gesture .
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