Example sentences of "so as increase " in BNC.

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1 In the case of joint tenancy , on the other hand , the rights of each ( except the last survivor ) are extinguished by his death so as to increase the interest of the survivor or survivors .
2 In contrast , an alternative approach is to invest so as to increase production .
3 Alternatively , they may be given as a mark of generosity so as to increase the cohesive forces in society , known as levelling mechanisms .
4 Murdoch had long planned to move part of his operation to Wapping so as to increase his printing capacity .
5 American industrialists , critical of the performance of the occupation , had urged a reversal of policy so as to increase Japan 's capacity to stand on her own feet and not to receive excessive subsidies from the United States .
6 These are covered by flaps projecting from the lower edge of the thorax that can be opened or closed so as to increase or dampen the sound like shutters on an organ .
7 Subjects may teach the experimenters how to behave … so as to increase the likelihood that the next subject 's response will be more in the direction of the experimenter 's expectancy . ’
8 The Court did not however think that it fell so far below what might properly be imposed by way of sentence so as to justify the Court in interfering so as to increase the sentence .
9 It so happened that in 1885 a Royal Commission had been set up " to investigate and report upon , the condition of the blind in the United Kingdom , the various systems of education of the blind … the employments open to and suitable for the blind and the means by which education may be extended so as to increase the number of blind persons qualified for such employments . "
10 Senator Ricardo may enact such a bill so as to increase his chance of re-election , or he may oppose it because he favours public spending on ideological grounds .
11 They include restructuring drift angles of injector wells through the reservoir so as to increase their verticality to enhance thermal fracturing .
12 Clause 2 amends the Prison Act 1952 so as to increase the penalty for sending anything into prison with the intent to facilitate an escape .
13 The European Council noted the need to review the procedures and mechanisms for preparing , adopting and implementing decisions where foreign policy is concerned , so as to increase the coherence , speed and effectiveness of the Community 's international action …
14 The EC had , among other things , ( i ) financed the construction of a road through one of Zaïre 's forests so as to increase production at a meat processing plant ; ( ii ) financed timber extraction projects in Equatorial Guinea designed to quadruple timber production over the next four years ; and ( iii ) financed the Carajás iron ore project in the state of Pará , Brazil , which had destroyed much of the Amazon rainforest , had led to the deaths of 1,000 Indians after the opening up of their habitat 10 years earlier and had consumed 4,000,000 tonnes of charcoal each year to smelt the iron ore into pig iron .
15 Competitive advantage can be gained from exploiting information at the strategic level so as to increase business efficiency or to highlight areas in the organisation which are particularly strong or weak , and thus lead to new business strategies .
16 Organizations are seen as rational instruments for realizing explicit goals , with different parts that can be modified so as to increase efficiency ( Gouldner 1959 ) .
17 If any such liabilities are debts incurred for the purposes of Target 's trade in respect of which a deduction has been allowed in computing the profits of the trade within s94 TA 1988 , and the vendor releases or procures the release of Target from its obligation to repay so as to increase the price Newco pays for Target , Target could be treated for tax purposes as receiving a substantial amount of taxable income .
18 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
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