Example sentences of "so [conj] interest " in BNC.

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1 The Government 's principal task in the months to come will be to restore the right mix of monetary and fiscal policy — now badly out of balance — so that interest rates have a better chance of coming down , and staying down over the long run .
2 The redemption terms can also differ between bonds : some bonds have a range of possible redemption dates ( such bonds are known as double-dated bonds ) , and sometimes the actual date of redemption is chosen by the issuer ( callable bonds ) and sometimes by the holder ( puttable bonds ) ; some bonds have no redemption date at all , so that interest on them will be paid indefinitely , ( such bonds are known variously as irredeemables , perpetuals or consols ) .
3 If the case has been issued take out a consent order so that interest runs on the costs .
4 Recessions cause firms to scrap equipment ; they also discourage new investment , all the more so if interest rates are high .
5 So while interest is received in the form of a capital value change , this is treated as income for tax purposes and not as capital gains .
6 So when interest rates rise , this induces wealth-holders to substitute financial assets ( such as bonds and deposits ) for real assets at the margin .
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