Example sentences of "who lost their " in BNC.

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1 This year the Autumn meeting of the European Area was held in Athens where , at a simple but moving ceremony , a memorial was unveiled to commemorate all those Greek and RAF aircrew who lost their lives during the battle for Greece .
2 At the end of WWII , the Beverley , East Yorks firm of Richard Hodgson 's Tannery had a Memorial to those employees who lost their lives in the two world wars displayed on the outside wall of their social club .
3 The Council of Mortgage Lenders announced on February 14th that the number of people who lost their homes last year because they could not keep up their mortgage payments nearly tripled from the year before .
4 There was , however , an insidious corollary to the belief that God might intervene to save His chosen people and prolong the lives of deserving individuals ; it was that where He did not intervene to save life , those who lost their lives had been found unworthy .
5 Chris Garnham was one of the 51 people who lost their lives in the Marchioness disaster last year .
6 And pray for those who lost their lives
7 I suggest , Mr Cameron , that you reflect not on the obvious arrogance of that statement , rather on the plight of 44 Conservative members who lost their seats . ’
8 They still hoped in 1980 that the Palestinian issue — the demands of Palestinians who lost their homes in what is now Israel — could be dealt with as part of a general Arab–Israeli peace settlement , that the whole two and a half million Palestinian diaspora could be given a lump-sum , once-and-for-all payment of compensation .
9 Many Arabs who lost their homes in what became the state of Israel and settled on the West Bank in 1948 became refugees for a second time during the Six Day War in 1967 .
10 But I remember Kielder Valley before it was flooded , when it was but a gleam in the developer 's eye ; and I remember the futile protests and the sadness of the communities who lost their homes .
11 They have consistently found large differences between comparable groups of unemployed and employed people in cross sectional surveys , as I do in my Brighton study ( even when those who lost their jobs through illness are excluded ) .
12 Amongst those who lost their lives were 143 Germans and Austrians and 470 Italians , but the total number of casualties , which included members of the crew and some British troops , was not revealed .
13 Who , for instance , could blame Edith and all the other girls in their mid-teens who fell in love with Christian boys and who lost their Jewishness along the way ?
14 Sandwiched between them are Gloucester who lost their 100 per cent record at Saracens , the London club holding them to a 12–12 draw .
15 For every person who lost their job , there are another half a dozen who are frightened it will be their turn next .
16 Both were intuitive first and rational second , men who lost their composure , were impetuous , and dreamed of peace as a great goal , a heaven on earth .
17 ‘ Thousands who lost their jobs because of her policies will be disgusted at the way she is lining her handbag , ’ he said .
18 FURY : Enraged Gail York screams at impassive Tjolle at yesterday 's stormy meeting of customers who lost their dream holidays
19 Those having the most sex and men who lost their virginity early are also particularly likely to have enjoyed oral sex .
20 However , those who lost their virginity earlier are four times as likely to be smokers than those who lost it late — suggesting a pattern of people who are impulsive in more ways than one .
21 There have been artists , generally of the smacked-out bedsitter blues variety , who lost their tragic muse after a bit of success .
22 ‘ Winston Churchill — remembered by all those who lost their relations and friends in the holocaust of the Dardanelles , so assiduously organised by this imitation strategist … .
23 This is the finest war memorial you could set up to the men who gave their lives , their limbs , or their health , and those who lost their dear ones in the country 's cause .
24 There was indeed , much hardship on the London docks , especially among the older employees formerly in permanent employment who lost their jobs and pensions by striking and who were now reduced to the status of casual labourers .
25 D N A testing is to be used to provide positive identification of the Britons who lost their lives in the Waco cult siege .
26 The buoy is somehow a fitting monument to the crew members who lost their lives here .
27 What message has he for the 2,000 television staff who lost their jobs in the run-up to the franchise round , and the similar number who will now be put out of work ?
28 That is a round figure subject to the hazards of forecasting , but no one should doubt that , among the quarter of a million people who lost their jobs in the recession , there will be many craftsmen and trainees , who will be permanently lost to the industry .
29 I join with colleagues in all parts of the House in sending my deepest sympathy to the relatives of those who lost their lives in Friday 's slaughter .
30 The disparity arises because some of those who lost their jobs withdrew from the labour market , perhaps through early retirement .
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