Example sentences of "who wrote the " in BNC.

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1 And here is the other Frederick , the Hohenstaufen emperor , he who wrote The Book of the Falcon ( The Art of Falconry , being the De Arte Venandi cum Avibus , tr .
2 To win one of 25 copies of the Book of Secrets , tell us on a postcard who wrote The Great Lover and send it to Country Living /Love at the address on page 2 by 31 March .
3 He was one of those men of whom the historian Edward Gibbon , who wrote the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , reported their disgusting activities ‘ in the decent obscurity of a learned language . ’
4 Mr Tolstoy , 54 , who wrote the pamphlet , and Mr Nigel Watts , 51 , who printed and distributed it , deny libel .
5 A similar proposal by the Tory backbencher Mr Jonathan Aitken — who wrote the foreword to Mr Day 's book — during the Commons debate on the Security Service Act this year , was rejected by Home Office ministers despite growing support inside Whitehall for a system of independent oversight .
6 Pierre Berton , who wrote the books , has just got back from Vancouver .
7 Howarth , a fellow student of Birtwistle and Maxwell Davies ( who wrote the Trumpet Sonata , Op.1 , for him ) in Manchester in the 1950s , is himself a trumpet player as well as a specialist conductor of contemporary music .
8 He was a fine writer , essayist and philosopher who wrote The Tragic Sense of Life and who was persecuted by Franco and put under house arrest by Primo de Rivera because of his liberal views expressed fearlessly while he was the Rector of the University .
9 Among them is the First World War poet , Wilfred Owen , who wrote the following lines , under the title , ‘ The Parable of the Old Man and the Young ’ .
10 A lance-corporal who wrote the following letter was more unlucky : ‘ Last Sunday when I was in church , the preacher actually thanked God that He had graciously protected and safeguarded the Führer .
11 Sidney and Beatrice Webb , who wrote the syllabus for British socialism and the Labour party , explained that the social theory of collectivism required the state to ensure that only the fittest survived .
12 It was Newton , curate of the parish , who wrote the now hackneyed evangelical hymn ‘ Amazing Grace ’ .
13 And Abul Pharajius tells us , that Zerdusht , or Zoroastres , ( who was the great Patriarch of the Magians , who wrote the Book Zendavesta ( which is the Bible of that Sect ) and whose Name is still in the same Veneration among them , as that of Moses is among the Jews , and that of Muhammed among his Followers ) foretold to his Magians the Coming of Christ …
14 Besides Henry James at Home , it was Montgomery Hyde who wrote the small guide , The Story of Lamb House , which , sadly , is no longer available .
15 ‘ It was Christabel who wrote the description I read of the Seal Court winter garden .
16 He used to send me postcards from abroad and he popped in when ‘ Bizarro ’ was released to give me a copy , ’ says Graham Williams , the journalist who wrote the paper 's weekly pop column .
17 Newsam who wrote the piece before the National Curriculum and its assessment procedures were planned ended the piece by remarking with irony ‘ As with any good joke , a child can understand the fable .
18 But the greatest praise perhaps came from William Wordsworth , who wrote the epitaph for Green 's gravestone .
19 John Irvine , who wrote the SPRU report with Ben Martin , told New Scientist that the results raise questions about British policy towards high-energy physics in the past 20 years .
20 The medal is named after the late Dr Eliot P. Joslin , who wrote the standard textbook on the treatment of diabetes .
21 Did Debora MacKenzie , who wrote the article in Forum ( 3 March .
22 And once programs are provided on Ceefax there is no way that the people who wrote the software can recoup the cost from the final users — the schools .
23 Sir , — The person who wrote the letter headed ‘ Ugly anti-hunt shock tactics ’ should be directing their disgust towards those people who inflict these atrocities on defenceless foxes and call it ‘ sport ’ , and not those who seek to expose it ( people who , I might add , have witnessed the animal suffering ) .
24 Waldo Salt , who wrote the completed screenplay of Midnight Cowboy , had been blacklisted in 1951 after refusing to testify on Communist affiliations before the HUAC .
25 You 'll be known ever more as ‘ that girly little tit who wrote the crybaby letter ’ .
26 I speak to the reporter who wrote the piece .
27 Carla , 58 , who wrote the TV series Bread , will move her pets into Broadhurst Manor , West Sussex — the new HQ for her Animal Line charity .
28 ‘ Patrick McGoohan , who wrote the series , was looking for a car to use and Lotus tried to persuade him to use the Elan , ’ says Graham Nearn , managing director of Caterham Cars , which still makes the Seven today .
29 ‘ We should like to know who wrote the book and who published it . ’
30 Carew Hunt , who was an authority at the Foreign Office on international communism and who wrote The Theory and Practice of Communism , argues that it can only be understood in religious terms .
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