Example sentences of "who put their " in BNC.

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1 As a result of the Ombudsman 's vigorous and admirably speedy deliberations , the hapless 18,000 investors who put their faith in the DTI imprimatur will be fully compensated and the integrity of the UK 's investment apparatus has been preserved .
2 The counter argument is that investors ought to have known that there was a risk involved , particularly those who put their funds in the Gibraltar fund at suspiciously high rates of interest in order to avoid UK taxation .
3 In the epistle to the Hebrews ( by an unknown Christian of learning and sophistication ) there is equal emphasis both upon the spontaneity and fullness of Jesus ' humanity and upon the faith that in him the eternal Son of the Father has come to unite believers to himself ; he is the pioneer of our salvation , our representative bringing to the Father and to the heavenly company those who put their trust in him .
4 In which places do you think the industrialists who put their money into building the Manchester Ship Canal lived ?
5 To those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ , he says ‘ Peace I leave with you ( peace with God ) my peace I give unto you ( the peace of God ) . ’
6 Secondly , Coleman may have been one of the numerous band of teachers , at present out of fashion , who put their main energies into what after all may be considered the prime function of a teaching institution — teaching .
7 Admittedly , we on the ground were not the ones who put their lives in danger every night , but as far as the air crew were concerned it was a job they had volunteered to do and they did it willingly , believing that every effort counted in the long run .
8 In consequence , many Members who put their names down will have only ill-formed ideas about what they want and it frequently happens that Bills presented are ill-prepared or misconceived .
9 For those who put their faith in the existing Union , sovereignty lies with whoever can command a majority in the House of Commons .
10 Those who put their work or other considerations before their family life often live to regret it .
11 The task force is still divided between those who believe that price controls are the best way to control costs ( Mrs Clinton , supported by Donna Shalala , the secretary of health , and Judith Feder , a senior adviser ) and those who put their faith in competition ( principally Ira Magaziner ) .
12 Stephanie and Mrs Owen , clutching notes , bottles , knitting , Wordsworth , turned left and right and were greeted by a fat nurse who put their bottles on a tray amongst jam-jars with cellophane frills , various medicine bottles , a gin bottle and a large ketchup pot .
13 Although our home gates of between 26 and 130 are the envy of many a Football League club , they only represent 0.25 per cent of those who put their names to your petition .
14 The silence is deafening as usual — especially from the wanker bands who freely exploit CND logos and all manner of love and flowers imagery to cream in the profits on the back of people who put their fucking arses on the line for the self same cause .
15 People who put their lives , their effort , their everything into creating businesses have seen them close simply because of the level of interest rates , the depth of the depression that the Government have created and the hostile , unfavourable and unacceptable behaviour of the banks .
16 I have been sufficiently foolhardy to raise the issue from time to time with small groups of individuals who put their point of view to me when it is easy to be civilised and who propose arrangements whereby Sunday trading could be limited to certain times , to shops of a particular size , to the selling of particular goods or to certain types of shop .
17 BNFL was among 50 exhibitors who put their message across at the recent local government conference in Blackpool .
18 The only people left in London who put their name on their doorbells these days were called Monica or Helga , and there was rarely a surname .
19 The silence is deafening as usual — especially from the wanker bands who freely exploit CND logos and all manner of love and flowers imagery to cream in the profits on the back of people who put their fucking arses on the line for the self same cause .
20 The attitude of men — not just the middle-aged grey-suits at the top but increasingly of young grey-suits who put their career above that of their partners ' — came in for some stick .
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