Example sentences of "who owe their " in BNC.

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1 The other rising stars include Jean-Louis Bianco , Minister of Transport , Elisabeth Guigou , who remains in charge of European Affairs , and Segole Royal at Environment , all immensely competent functionaries who owe their allegiance more to the President than the party .
2 It is no exaggeration to say that tomorrow there will be many drivers who owe their continued good health and looks to the fact that they bought an airbag-equipped Honda today .
3 Apart from the Head Chef , who is 53 , opposition has come mainly from the Accommodation Manager , who is unqualified but very experienced : he believes that the old ways are the best ways and has generally received the support of his department heads , who owe their positions to him .
4 Coexisting within this category are people with a middle-class inheritance of culture and resources , coexisting beside others ( including many managers , teachers and social workers ) who owe their social advancement to state education and to state-sponsored growth schools , health services and local authorities .
5 This is just one of hundreds of hedgehogs who owe their lives to the Vale Wildlife Rescue Centre in Evesham .
6 More particularly , those who owed their careers and their satisfactions to grammar schools , or were headmasters of them , feared that the progressive elimination of those schools might make it more difficult for the maintained sector to compete effectively with the independent schools .
7 Once the Cabinet purges of 1980 and 1981 had been completed , a large proportion of the Cabinet were what Nye Bevan would have called ‘ staircase ’ men , who owed their high office entirely to her patronage rather than any independent standing in the Conservative Party .
8 To that extent there was greater cohesion in Cabinet , because there were a lot of new faces who owed their promotion much more to her than to their record in the party .
9 In 1365 the succession dispute in Brittany was solved in an agreement , the Treaty of Guêrande , under which John de Montfort , son of the John de Montfort who had allied with Edward III in 1341 , became duke but agreed to do homage to the King of France , though many Englishmen remained in the ducal household , and some English captains who owed their fortunes to war , such as Robert Knolles , stayed on in the duchy .
10 Their places were taken by ‘ new men ’ who owed their rise entirely to Nkrumah , Tawia Adamafio , formerly Busia 's lieutenant , and Coffie Crabbe among them .
11 There were Jews who owed their survival to him , intended victims of the concentration camps rerouted to Sweden and safety .
12 The veneration of several murdered Anglo-Saxon royal saints , and especially of Edmund of East Anglia and Edward the Martyr , almost certainly had overtones of this kind , and probably so too did the rapid growth of St Olaf 's cult in Norway in the 1030s , occasioned partly by the unpopular rule of Swegen and Ælfgifu of Northampton , who owed their position to his death .
13 Some bishops , notably those who owed their promotions to James ( such as Thomas Cartwright of Chester and Samuel Parker of Oxford ) , supported the Indulgence , and encouraged their clergy to deliver addresses of thanks for that part of Declaration in which James promised he would continue to protect the Church of England .
14 There were at most twenty-two Jacobite peers in the House of Lords , ten of whom were Scottish representative peers , who owed their places to the Union of 1707 ( under the terms of which , the Scottish peers as a whole elected sixteen of their number to sit in the upper chamber at Westminster ) .
15 Waiting at the doorway of the wind beaten mud hut were the last remaining members of his family — his grandparents , who owed their sight problem to cataracts .
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