Example sentences of "who speak [art] " in BNC.

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1 A singe classroom in which for example Gujarati , pupils who speak a closely related language or a variety of language such as Katchi , pupils who can understand Gujarati , but not speak it , pupils with Gujarati surnames but with no knowledge of the language whatsoever , pupils with no family connections with the language , and so on .
2 The man buried yesterday was the king of the Tembus , the most powerful of the half dozen tribes who speak the Xhosa language .
3 Two people who speak the same language can always work towards an understanding about what each of them is talking about and what each of them wishes to achieve by what they say .
4 Then seek a cure with SEBADOH , who speak the unspoken and think music is a huge and powerful force that could stop wars and stuff .
5 But for those who speak the language — nigger , whore , bitch motherfucker , — the songs are an exploration of the all too real problems being confronted in today 's urban American communities .
6 no longer confined to persons who speak the King 's English or who come under the direct influence of the great writers ; the continuity of our literary and linguistic heritage is threatened by the far-reaching influence of the half educated …
7 Thus , if it is true that children who speak the more prestigious variety are the more successful than others , this is caused by other factors such as higher teacher- expectations or the middle-class values of the school .
8 There is at least one Indian village of 3,000 people who speak the language as their mother tongue and interest is growing strongly among Westerners who want to learn ‘ the language of the infinite ’ .
9 What representations have the Government made about the new proposal , particularly in Latvia , to restrict citizenship to those whose descendants came from the Baltic states and to those who speak the Baltic languages ?
10 In both cases , those who speak the old traditional language are in a small minority .
11 Our friend Pétur Björnsson ( Pétur , son of Björn ) has a lovely blonde daughter Marta , who speaks no English and talked to me all night when we were last there in a glorious mixture of Icelandic and sign language .
12 It directed me to return to window number five — home of the only man in Sweden who speaks no English .
13 When a speaker S who speaks a particular variety V1 of a language L moves to an area where the local language is , in terms of speakers ' own assessments , a different variety of the same language L — in other words , a different dialect of L — say , V2 , it is usual for that individual 's speech to acquire some of the phonological and grammatical characteristics of V2 .
14 Stewart is the opposite of Gemma ; a working-class lad from Dagenham who speaks the Queen 's English .
15 There are some languages that require interpreters to which we do not have ready access , though we always make every effort to ensure that we find an interpreter who speaks the applicant 's language or at least one in which he or she is comfortable .
16 Tex , of course , is a writer of westerns , a no nonsense sort of critter who speaks the language of the old Wild West .
17 One lad with us , a genuine Cockney , finished up by explaining to this ( probably normally ) mild-mannered Italian who spoke no English at all that we could n't pay because we were ‘ borassic ’ .
18 When I asked how he communicated with Bengali patients who spoke no English he said ‘ I have no trouble in communicating with them because I learned pidgin English in the army . ’
19 He was a tall , heavy-built almost surly type who spoke no English ; all I could do was listen patiently , smile , and offer a small but polite salute on departure .
20 Rain never knew how it was that a man who spoke no word of a foreign language could master the intricacies of ordering a favourite type of beer in any country on earth .
21 The only person on the organisers ' side of the room who spoke a language I understand , was Peter Slade , a trim , slight figure , quietly expounding his belief in the value of drama in work with children .
22 On Tarvaras there were several subject races who spoke a variation of it — perhaps because they were descended from Second Empire colonists — and suddenly Alexei found that there was insufficient subtlety in it to convey precise nuance .
23 There was a man who spoke a bit of English and he said they were going to send for a doctor , but I told them you suffered from fits and you 'd be all right . ’
24 They were a good ten minutes arguing over what it meant , even calling in the senior officer on duty , who spoke a little English .
25 Who spoke the spectre-hound in Man .
26 That is , they translate words back into the same modality of bodily experience from which those who spoke the words derived them from within their own bodies .
27 The Gascons did not consider themselves French ; their language was barely intelligible to those who spoke the langue d'oil of the north , and their culture and society had more in common with Languedoc than with northern France .
28 It was Burun who spoke the word softly .
29 Berger was forced to leave things to Eggar who spoke the language fluently .
30 Who spoke the King 's English , ’ said Trentham sarcastically .
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