Example sentences of "who apply for " in BNC.

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1 Appeals : If planning permission is refused , the person who applied for it can ask the Department of the Environment to reconsider the decision .
2 Millions who applied for the minimum 100 shares in the great water sell-off are likely today to be told their applications are being met in full despite a huge oversubcription to the £5.24billion privatisation .
3 Mr Baker said many of the 45,000 people who applied for refugee status in Britain last year were bogus .
4 BSB 's original backers , who applied for and won the contract to broadcast from 31° West , signed to use MAC .
5 The means was to restrict the legal provision of credit to those who applied for it and were granted a licence .
6 They intended , they said , to be stricter in the way they selected credit traders who applied for membership , and to distance themselves from ‘ rogue moneylenders ’ .
7 The Melrose saga began earlier this year when he was one of several players , including former Wallaby Mitchell Cox , who applied for reinstatement to play the game .
8 Another fairly important change was that a review by a review board should be discontinued if it was established that the inspector 's report did not adversely affect the reputation of the person who applied for the review .
9 In March 1886 Joseph Chamberlain , as President of the Local Government Board , responded by issuing a circular to local authorities urging them to schedule necessary public works for periods of depression , and to co-operate with the Poor Law by providing paid , non-pauperizing work for those who applied for poor relief due to temporary unemployment .
10 The question of who is an " occupant " is discussed in Paterson v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 37 , where a new manager who applied for a permanent transfer of an off sale licence was held not to be an " occupant " where he had no interest in the premises other than as an employee .
11 I was not short of students who applied for help in the most distressing of circumstances : mature students with spouses and children , who had been denied housing benefit and income support to which they had previously been entitled ; landlords pressing for rent payments and students with no money to pay ; arrears of rent building up ; poll tax arrears building up ; overdrafts being extended ; electricity supplies being cut off , in some cases to parents and children .
12 He said that there had been an unprecedented 37 per cent rise in the number of recently arrived Soviet Jews who applied for unemployment benefit in March , as increasing numbers ended their initial period of direct state support .
13 Variation and discharge The following may apply for variation or discharge of a s8 order : ( i ) anyone entitled to apply for an order under a s8 order without seeking leave ( see above ) ; ( ii ) the person who applied for the original order ; or ( iii ) in the case of a contact order , the person named in the order .
14 The details of the case were outlined by prosecuting solicitor , Huw Evans , who applied for a remand in custody until next Monday .
15 And 42.5pc of claimants who applied for budgeting loans , which would have to be repaid , were also refused .
16 The person who applies for the grant must be receiving income support , housing benefit or community charge benefit or be the partner of someone receiving those benefits .
17 For example , a person who applies for life assurance will be asked whether they have already had the HIV antibody test .
18 This uncertainty about the proper role of litigation by private citizens is also reflected in the requirement that a litigant who applies for a prerogative order must first seek the leave of the court to do so .
19 A barrister who applies for any office may reckon as part of his qualification period any time he has spent in practice or in employment as a solicitor .
20 As far as grants are concerned , students who apply for a place are almost certain to have used at least three years ' worth of their local authority grant entitlement while studying at university or polytechnic , and may only be eligible for a further one-year entitlement if they have been accepted at a drama school .
21 There is a limited amount of money available for these payments , so social fund officers have to look at the needs of all those who apply for help and decide which needs can be met .
22 MORE THAN four out of five people who apply for planning permission get it .
23 The review was of the Government 's failure under the Treaty of Rome to ensure equal treatment for EC and British nationals who apply for grants to pay the cost of their fees to study in this country .
24 Britain has also persuaded our partners to welcome new countries who apply for Community membership .
25 ‘ There was too much emphasis on how fast we could grow , ’ he says , but adds that the company is still turning down about 70 per cent of those who apply for an Amex card .
26 Many elderly people who are in need fail to apply for a supplementary pension or allowance , because they are inclined to regard it as some kind of charity ( a much maligned word ) — which of course it is not , and there should be no loss of pride or dignity for those who apply for it .
27 The ‘ germ ’ of this story , I think , is the idea ( I do not know who first expressed it ) that couples of servants who apply for situations as man and wife have often met for the first time in the registry office .
28 At one point Dr. Goldsmith was informed that ‘ this committee definitely order him to see all persons who apply for admission to the House before they are admitted , in accordance with the requirements of the local government board ’ .
29 Women and men living together as couples who apply for Poll Tax benefit will have their joint incomes assessed when the amount of benefit is calculated .
30 Of all organisations , it has an interest in ensuring that those who apply for asylum as a means of avoiding immigration regulations should not be allowed to enter the country .
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