Example sentences of "make him aware " in BNC.

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1 About the time this match took place , Tonks was in the IRB meeting room alongside the French delegate and was not impressed that they had not made him aware of the game — if they in fact knew about it .
2 But how could she make him aware of that , let him hear from someone else how well she was doing , without putting herself at risk again from Joe ?
3 The first is that the possibility of a revolution occurring in a country where capitalism was poorly developed made him aware of the problem of setting up too rigid a sequence for human evolution .
4 This made him aware of how much he 'd been missing before in the cold , masculine environment of the academy .
5 They had declared at his accession , they had repeated often since , that they desired him to reign upon the selfsame terms as his predecessors ; and yet they made him aware , whenever it was needful to ask for a grant of money , that in fact he stood upon ground subtly changed , and must ask as a favour what had been Richard 's unquestioned right .
6 It you are not happy with the service you are receiving from your dealer then contact the Customer Relations Manager ( Mr Jefferies ) at Land Rover 021–722 2424 and make him aware of the situation .
7 Perhaps you should open your heart a little to him , honey , make him aware you 've grown into a very pretty young lady . ’
8 In this case , the sooner I remove young Svend from Suzie the siren , and make him aware of his responsibilities towards his parents and his own future , the sooner I can resume a normal life !
9 Mr Collin has been urged by councillors to write to Darlington MP Michael Fallon and make him aware of the collection problems faced by the council .
10 Nasser 's lower-middle-class background contributed to the widening of his political interests beyond those imaginable to the fellahin , the peasantry ; while at the same time making him aware of the latter 's situation , and the political and economic oppression suffered .
11 Whether or not he felt an ounce of embarrassment ( probably not ) , it had to be enough to make him aware of waiters .
12 I try … to make him aware … of his own power , his value as a human being ; to give him confidence in himself , in the richness of life in the real world and his capacity for living it .
13 She had chosen her words deliberately ; to shock him ; to make him aware of the strength of her anger .
14 However early in the novel he has an experience which makes him aware of a significantly different kind of memory , and this is of course the famous incident in which as a young man he dips a small cake , a madeleine , into a cup of tea .
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