Example sentences of "all [art] evidence " in BNC.

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1 By choosing to take at face value all the evidence pointing to the futility of the war , and ignoring all those who believed , with patent sincerity , that they were fighting for something worthwhile against something evil , he has taken cynicism to the point of naivety .
2 The Public Service Ideal does not assume , against all the evidence , that a free market will necessarily produce political access , variety , and debate ; it insists upon mechanisms which aim directly at these goals rather than relying upon their being achieved as the accidental by-products of mechanisms whose primary function is to achieve quite different goals such as commercial profitability or proprietorial self-indulgence .
3 We need to cut back our intake of saturated fats as all the evidence indicates that these affect cholesterol levels — the strongest predictors of heart disease .
4 spreading by the blood , the bacilli become established in every part of the body and thus overcome the patient , not so much by local damage as by the great general toxaemia , which produces symptoms not unlike those of typhoid fever – irregular fever , rapid pulse , dry skin and all the evidence of raging pyrexia , leading to delirium and coma , followed almost inevitably by a fatal termination .
5 But , as producers bowdlerized the romantic stories of Marie Corelli and Hall Caine , as well as literary classics by Dickens , Thackeray and George Eliot , the resulting films were all the evidence one needed that British filmmakers had lost confidence in their own ability to find and develop stories , and exploit the medium 's potential .
6 The authority decided to wait until all the evidence was in before interviewing any officer involved in the incident .
7 At the same time he had to sound confident about the ultimate triumph of socialism , against all the evidence that it has failed .
8 All the evidence suggests that she had her confessor wrapped around her little finger : while claiming the complete obedience appropriate to her spiritual supervisor she in fact got round every attempt he ever made to make her moderate her life style ; she persuaded him to confer his blessing and approval on her choices .
9 He has recorded seven sittings with seven different mediums over eight years which give , he feels , all the evidence he needs .
10 All too often , what follows from it is rationalisation ; the justification of what we feel against all the evidence of our intelligence .
11 This is against all the evidence , but it is a compelling image , and one that clearly derives from this present age in our history , which now has the Shakespeare it deserves : an old , sex-obsessed vagrant in the Forest of Dean , refusing to pay his Poll Tax .
12 All the evidence is that it is overwhelmingly harmful to the patient . ’
13 In much existentialist writing the impression is given that , in order to test the believer and evoke real trust , God makes a world in which all the evidence points against Him .
14 In the same way , we should declare that we believe in the existence of God even when all the evidence is that such belief is absurd .
15 All the evidence suggests that schools are generally well-ordered places where acceptable behaviour is the norm .
16 Almost all the evidence of Modigliani 's behaviour in the years with Beatrice comes either from her or from outsiders .
17 ‘ Mr Coroner , the jury have , after very careful deliberation on all the evidence submitted to them , unanimously agreed that the evidence is too conflicting for them to definitely establish the guilt of any particular person , consequently they return a verdict of wilful murder by a person or persons unknown . ’
18 All the evidence was damning , but none more so than the cool , deliberate and detailed account of Dr Champney .
19 You have admitted that it was I who caused all the evidence to fall into a pattern .
20 Select committees have had substantial coverage , but all the evidence suggests — and this is my own impression , having served or attended many committees over the years and now seeing them on television — that , with a few minor modifications , the ways these committees work is little changed .
21 Over four million homes in this country are in need of extensive repairs and yet , despite all the evidence before their eyes , more than 75% of house-buyers do not have a structural survey carried out .
22 Quite the contrary , all the evidence from experiments with mice , which have been intensively studied , shows that it is not even possible for the nucleus of a very early embryonic mouse cell to substitute for the egg nucleus .
23 What one has to do where this conflict is between a welfare aim and a conservation aim is to weigh up all the evidence carefully and decide what is , morally , the right thing to do .
24 This will be so where he is reasonably satisfied that one of a group of two or more people , including yourself , must have committed an act of gross misconduct ( such as theft of money from a room to which only a very limited number of individuals had access ) , and yet he can not pinpoint the actual culprit , despite having examined all the evidence thoroughly .
25 All the evidence to date — and there is a considerable body of it by now — shows that physical methods of punishment ( the deliberate infliction of pain on the child ) may for the time being suppress the behaviour that it is meant to inhibit but will not form character .
26 In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh .
27 All the evidence suggests , however , that whilst our basic personalities are relatively unchanging ( except in response to fairly drastic interventions such as the use of drugs , brainwashing and brain damage as a result of an accident or stroke ) our overt behaviour is amenable to a process of continual modification and change .
28 All said he was of low intelligence , and as a trump card the defence brought in Professor Hans Eysenck to consider all the evidence .
29 But all the evidence suggests that it has one staring error — the researchers ' names .
30 The main reasons for writing to the Lancet are frustration that we have been discredited , that our grants depend on this work and also that all the evidence is in writing . ’
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