Example sentences of "if the child " in BNC.

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1 Even if the child were ‘ demand fed ’ , its environment and parents ' sleep would tend to decrease the likelihood of its waking and being fed at night in comparison with the daytime .
2 It does have a happy ending , but what if the child reading had only one or no parents ?
3 Video-recorded interviews with police , social workers or others concerned with child welfare or criminal investigation should be admissible in court if the child is under 14 , the group recommends .
4 But let's hope the piana is only an upright : it would be a shame if the child who wants an organ has to go without and it 's hard to see how Santa would manage with a Steinway grand .
5 But if the child is never born alive , things will remain as if it had never existed .
6 Children born in the United Kingdom to students , visitors or illegal immigrants no longer automatically acquire British citizenship at birth , but they will still be able to register as British citizens if either parent later becomes a citizen or settles in the United Kingdom , or if the child has spent the first ten years of its life in the country .
7 ‘ It 's hardly her fault if the child falls ill , ’ said one of the lodgers .
8 if I strike a child in a manner likely to cause harm it is right that if the child dies I may be charged with manslaughter .
9 A parent or grandparent who has sexual contact with a child or grandchild may well be guilty of one of the offences already considered — rape , if there is sexual intercourse without consent ; indecent assault , if there is sexual contact with a child under 16 ; and even gross indecency with or towards a child , if the child is under 14 .
10 The only exception to this is if the child has a disease process that has a short-term prognosis .
11 If the child 's symptoms are functional and the picture is clear probably decide a 30C is the simplest approach .
12 If the child is absent , parents will be in breach of the law unless they can , for example , demonstrate that an efficient education is being provided to their child outside the school system .
13 Section 39(5) of the 1944 Act states that ‘ walking distance ’ is 2 miles , or 3 miles if the child is aged 8 or over , ‘ measured by the nearest available route ’ .
14 Moreover , care orders have been obtained on the education ground without much difficulty , the courts often taking the view that if the child was not receiving a suitable education it was likely that the separate care and control test would almost certainly have been satisfied .
15 If the child were a little older , you might have a point .
16 The mental processes may however be slow to develop if the child 's early environment is not sufficiently stimulating .
17 Four : there is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped .
18 If the child is certain to live only a few days , the dilemma is tough indeed .
19 The decision will probably be made on little evidence , and will probably be towards an abortion , even if the child might be desperately wanted and the parents generally against abortion in principle .
20 Later , if the child takes a definite stand as a Christian , there will also be a deeper challenge to struggle to change at heart ; tackling inward dispositions as well as facing the difficult questions of faith .
21 It does n't matter if the child grows up to be an adult whose logic tells him that he is n't stupid ; if those words have been repeated often enough , he will never have the confidence to realise how much he knows or to make proper use of that knowledge .
22 If the child obeys within ( say ) ten seconds , follow the behaviour with clear and predictable consequences ; do likewise if he/she disobeys by refusing or ignoring you over that time period .
23 If the child does not comply you may have to repeat the three-minute interval several times .
24 If the child 's feelings and needs are taken into account , he or she will not need to explode so often .
25 When treating illness in children there are two very good signs that you have hit on the correct remedy : firstly , if the child vomits shortly after having the remedy , assuming he was not already vomiting all the time !
26 The second is if the child goes off to sleep .
27 Even if the child is showing hyperkinetic syndrome , the problem may still be emotional rather than dietary , but certain clues point to food or additives as the triggers .
28 Restricted diets are socially disruptive and can sometimes be nutritionally inadequate , especially if the child is sensitive to a variety of foods .
29 If the child is eating any food or drinks containing additives , then these should be avoided as well .
30 If the child gets better when certain foods are excluded , then they should be reintroduced to check that they were the source of the trouble .
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