Example sentences of "which [art] individual " in BNC.

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1 By defining this insider fieldwork ( and the university experience which generated it ) as a liminal situation , I am extending the Turnerian concept ( 1969 , 1974 ) in which the individual moves temporarily into an unstructured and somewhat ambiguous state , during the initial process of passing through a rite de passage before returning to structure .
2 For the people were no longer a negatively friendly element which the individual slid into and out of … .
3 Indeed , it is ironic that it is being pressed into use for ‘ social market ’ theories when the original papal encyclical seems closer to Mrs Thatcher than Ludwig Erhard : ‘ that which the individual can achieve through personal initiative should not be the business of society ’ .
4 It is against this background that we examine the nature of police power more than ten years into the premiership of Mrs Thatcher and scrutinize the degree to which the individual is protected from the abuse of that power .
5 To this effect , it suggested that as a general rule the police should be able to arrest an individual without a warrant if the crime which was suspected was one for which the individual could be jailed rather than simply fined .
6 Irrespective of personal efforts to maintain safety , all people are exposed to dangers — natural forces as well as man-made hazards — which are inherent in the environment and which the individual is impotent to control or eliminate .
7 what factors influence the way in which the individual carries out the AL of maintaining a safe environment ?
8 To provide a service within the community by providing a safe , secure environment in which the individual 's rights and needs are recognised , by assisting clients to adjust to living in a communal setting and providing support for clients using professional agencies and the resources of the department .
9 These social-science studies have shown that the average lifetime of a ufologist is about two years , after which the individual faces a crisis point .
10 Between these two states of relationships which the individual can experience in his lifetime there are transitional forms of relationships that are the content of everyday living .
11 The essential point is that responsibility is assigned and , therefore , authority is delegated for which the individual is accountable in his role .
12 In the second instance of the link between the mother and the return to darkness , it can be seen how the mother in our everyday world stands as a figure in which the individual may lose him or herself .
13 This realisation is already expressed in the bible story of Paradise , providing the occasion for the concept of original sin , as well as the Eastern belief in Karma , equivalent to a debt that has to be paid , which the individual brings with him into his present life .
14 The results are used to devise an exercise programme which the individual is encouraged to follow .
15 But in short , Kelly suggests that an individual 's social performance is determined not so much by external events , but by self-erected mental structures through which the individual sees life , interprets it , and decides how to respond .
16 If we are to understand why older people do not respond to situations in more logical , less self-damaging ways , we must try to understand the system of prediction which the individual is using .
17 The theory suggests that it is impossible to gain a significant understanding of an individual without first understanding the functioning of the systems within which the individual operates .
18 Sex may not be a topic which the individual wants to discuss , and this feeling clearly has to be respected .
19 Alcohol serves to deaden feelings which the individual can not manage , or wishes to avoid .
20 However , in a less evaluative sense , and in the majority of cases , the description ‘ psychotic ’ refers to an abnormality of experience and behaviour in which the individual loses control of his or her feelings , perceptions , and ideas , may develop delusional beliefs that have no basis in reality and intermittently lacks insight into the fact that anything is wrong .
21 Knowledge was returned to the individual knowing subject so that it could be analysed ( regardless of its truth or falsity ) as a product of the ‘ norms ’ within which the individual must operate .
22 There is no better way of intensifying the treasured feeling of individuality than the possession of a secret which the individual is pledged to guard .
23 Another angle on psychological differences between blacks and whites is given by Worthy and Markle who argue that white sportsmen do better at self-paced activities , ‘ ones in which the individual responds , when he chooses , to a relatively static or unchanging stimulus ’ , whereas blacks have an edge in reactive activities , ‘ in which the individual must respond appropriately and at the right time to changes in the stimulus situation ’ ( 1970 ) .
24 Another angle on psychological differences between blacks and whites is given by Worthy and Markle who argue that white sportsmen do better at self-paced activities , ‘ ones in which the individual responds , when he chooses , to a relatively static or unchanging stimulus ’ , whereas blacks have an edge in reactive activities , ‘ in which the individual must respond appropriately and at the right time to changes in the stimulus situation ’ ( 1970 ) .
25 Intelligence is a descriptor of the quality of mental functioning , the ceiling of intellectual manipulation to which the individual can rise .
26 The kind of satisfaction which can be anxiety-free is that in which my own creative powers and understanding of the world around me are at a maximum and this is satisfaction which the individual can only achieve as part of a community of persons directed at these ends .
27 We therefore have to make the company one in which the individual feels wanted , needed and respected .
28 Perception is that process by which the individual organizes an abundance of information ( stimuli ) into meaningful patterns .
29 Three sources of attitude change have been identified by researchers : compliance ( new attitude is adopted for ulterior motives ) , identification ( peer group membership requires a change ) and internalization ( the new attitude is accepted as one of a group of attitudes with which the individual can live ) .
30 Perception is that process by which the individual organizes the mass of information which impinges on the self into meaningful patterns .
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