Example sentences of "or perhaps [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stonehenge is incomprehensible until we realize that the builders used some kind of scaffolding , or perhaps ramps of earth , which are no longer there .
2 As far as he was concerned , homosexuality did not exist north of Hampstead ( or perhaps south of it , either ) and despite the fact that its local manifestation was sitting in front of him he would not be convinced .
3 John Price ( 1968 ) has made two suggestions : perhaps temporary moods of pessimistic caution have proved to be advantageous in avoiding predators , or perhaps depressive behaviour has evolved as part of the complex behaviour which maintains the stability of man 's community .
4 Of reverence for death , or perhaps decorum
5 If your target audience includes a substantial proportion of light viewers , but your campaign is on TV , you may need to supplement TV with suitable press or perhaps cinema advertising to reach this group .
6 One of the most striking features of IBM 's lamentable personal computer business is that there is not a single reason embedded in the hardware why IBM mainframe and AS/400 users should buy their personal computers from IBM rather than from its army of tormentors led by Compaq Computer Corp : presumably few customers have actually asked IBM for 3270 and 5250 emulation in ROM on the motherboard at no extra charge in its PS/2s — or perhaps IBM thought that would kill off its dumb tube business and resisted until it was too late — now it makes no money on personal computers and sells few dumb tubes .
7 The solution may be to use oestrogen cream , or perhaps hormone replacement therapy , for which you 'd need to see your doctor again .
8 ‘ Opportunity — or perhaps willingness to do it .
9 The advantage of budgeting is that not only do you know exactly where you stand — or perhaps stagger ? — today , but that you can make sensible judgements about , for , how much more saving you can undertake , or whether you can afford to increase your borrowing still further .
10 Well I expect your father will have to take us out or perhaps Anne 'll pick us up .
11 Related uses for pagers could include motorway service stations or perhaps breweries .
12 Or perhaps London had betrayed me. lt had been done before , it would be done again .
13 Perhaps the cosmological density is well below the critical value ( despite the anticipation of theorists ) or perhaps models of cosmological nucleosynthesis must be revised ( as some people have already asserted ) .
14 Or perhaps Romania could be the testing ground for co-operation between Nato and the Warsaw Pact and they should mount a joint expeditionary force .
15 His voice was cool , with amusement or perhaps derision .
16 I had once found two names scratched on one of the window-panes , ‘ perhaps two soldiers billeted here for a time at the beginning of the 1914 War … ’ ( or perhaps soldiers in hiding at the time of the Reformation ? )
17 To cheer this up a little or to add an interesting note , you could add a touch of ylang-ylang , taget , bergamot or perhaps frankincense .
18 The answer can not be given by considering whether in the context of utterance it is likely to produce attitudes of some distinctively ethical sort , rather than some non-ethical attitudes or perhaps beliefs .
19 Or perhaps values have changed since they first joined .
20 Or perhaps Argol had an enlightened policy towards young people .
21 ‘ I had hoped that Bishop Julian or perhaps Rosalind might be of use here .
22 Or perhaps Mrs A is holding forth on her views on battered wives or battery hens or baptizing babies , really with the hope of having a head-on argument or of converting someone to her way of thinking .
23 Much will depend on where they were trained and whether they are skilled in other therapies and techniques such as reflexology ( pressure point massage of the feet ) , Touch For Health ( muscle testing , a diagnostic technique ) , medical herbalism , spiritual healing or perhaps nutrition .
24 The town or perhaps village was south of Bristol .
25 Or perhaps OS/2 simply solved problems that do not trouble most customers .
26 The current chapter will discuss ways in which all levels of analysis can suggest alternative or additional candidate letters , words ( or perhaps phrases ) in order to supplement information from the pattern level .
27 If Tommy Carr played for say Carlow , or perhaps Sligo or maybe Fermanagh , would there have been the same fuss ?
28 Other useful devices include printers to provide printed text or perhaps graphics as well , voice input , joystick controls , as well as graphics tablets , touch keyboards and light pens enabling flexible touch input and ‘ freehand ’ drawing input .
29 Recently , it has been shown that the injection of wheat germ agglutinin ( WGA ) coupled to labels such as colloidal gold or HRP produces effective labelling of cells lining the amniotic cavity ( 24 ) , It is likely that other high molecular weight molecules which will bind to epiblast or ectoderm cells , such as other lectins or perhaps antibodies ( see Chapter 2 , Section 4 ) , may prove suitable labels for selectively marking these cells or cells lining other cavities in the embryo .
30 But in the context of a consideration of judicial creativity , or perhaps lack of it , the selection of the judiciary and their ‘ politics ’ in the sense used by Professor Griffith seem to be marginal considerations .
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