Example sentences of "or the use " in BNC.

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1 But no planning regulation may be passed , no law affecting the education of the young or the use of the highway , and so on , which will make it easier to realize one conception of the good or more difficult to pursue another .
2 Family planning practice as made possible by an operation such as vasectomy or tubeligation , or the use of physical contraceptives makes the prevention of birth explicit and deliberate .
3 Failures in disinfection should always be investigated for management or user default or the use of an unsuitable disinfectant before resistance is suspected .
4 damage caused by faulty workmanship , defective design , or the use of defective materials ;
5 The beef industry remains limited to suckler herds on marginal land or the use of commercial beef bulls on dairy cows .
6 What changes do you know of in the landscape or the use of land in your area ?
7 Environmental pollution through smoke , de-afforestation , the development of conurbations ( large built-up areas ) or the use of nuclear power and the disposal of its waste products must be weighed up by a country 's government ( and the world community ) against potential income growth .
8 Everything the school does should be geared to providing most effectively and efficiently for pupil learning — be it the structures and systems used to run the school , the deployment of staff , or the use of its other resources .
9 This would suggest that the tape/slide medium or the use of audio-tape in conjunction with printed material , as in the point-of-use teaching devices at the Barker Engineering Library at Massachusetts Institute of Technology , would be particularly suitable for library user education .
10 This means that there is no sanction available to the parent which does not rely to some extent on either , the giving or withholding of some physical satisfaction , for example sweets , or the use of physical punishment .
11 I do n't mean to suggest that such things as scientific monitoring or the use of dowsing rods are inappropriate at ancient sites : rather that we should as far as possible leave our preconceptions behind as we approach and allow the site if it wishes , to speak to us .
12 A common theme of urban redevelopment in both the USA and UK is that of leverage , or the use of small amounts of public funding to attract larger sums of private investment .
13 But not by straining , or discipline , or the use of laxatives .
14 Containers : Where ponds have been installed using the preformed type of pool or the use of a flexible liner , the easiest and most convenient way to plant waterlilies is to use the specially-designed baskets made of strong plastic .
15 Fingerboard shrinkage on new instruments has two possible causes — excessively dry storage or shipping conditions , or the use of hastily-seasoned fingerboard blanks — and although it does n't affect the SJ-20's playability in any way , it might be enough to make me put this particular guitar aside and buy a different example of the same model .
16 Perhaps as a run-on from that initial revulsion , Strains of War largely eschews graphic snap , or the use of techniques purloined from the media .
17 This is in no sense an attempt to deny the importance of church tradition or the use of human reason .
18 Three major causes of poverty can be distinguished in the Bible : first , oppression and exploitation — the typical situation being that of an employer using monopoly power or the use of fraud and violence in order to pay low wages ; second , misfortune , such as the position of widows , orphans , or as a result of accident and injury ; third , laziness .
19 For example , the application of the regular past-tense morpheme -ed to irregular verbs ( ‘ go-ed ’ ; ‘ run-ed ’ ) or the use of the irregular plural / s/ with irregular nouns ( ‘ sheeps ’ ; ‘ mouses ’ ) suggests that children overgeneralise simple rules to non-appropriate target words .
20 There is little excuse for allowing these situations to drift ; and it is in preventing such situations that professional practice based on research parts company from common sense and rules of thumb or the use of ‘ hunches ’ .
21 This differential amounted to a direct incentive to takeovers by means of share exchange or the use of undistributed profits , especially where the acquired company possessed capital assets which were undervalued in its balance sheet .
22 One has only to think of the way in which the Shah of Persia reinforced his position by claiming direct descent from the Achaemenids of the third century BC , to give depth to a genealogy that in fact started with his father — a Cossack officer — assuming the throne in 1920 when the previous dynasty collapsed ( see Avery , 1965 ) ; or the use in Britain of the ‘ historical ’ roots of the Royal Family to support such current political structures as the House of Lords .
23 Like the beam of a lighthouse piercing the surrounding gloom Cortot 's vividness outshone his faults and made critical complaint or the use of a Beckmesser 's slate seem churlish and arbitrary .
24 Any change in medical practice or the use of beds will had an impact on nursing services .
25 The increasing range of new and improved telecommunications services can have potentially profound effects on future travel and home-based employment opportunities , because certain types of jobs do not need face-to-face contact and may be carried out from home by the linking of the telephone to home computers or the use of other teleconferencing , text-handling or information-retrieval systems .
26 ( 1990 ) ruled out differences in crime rate or detection rate or the use of different definitions of imprisonment .
27 As will be seen ( paragraph 35 ) , the idea contained in the words ‘ fraudulently converts to his own use or benefit , or the use or benefit of any other person ’ corresponds to what we propose should be the essence of the new offence of theft .
28 The idea of dishonest appropriation which underlies the new offence of theft corresponds , as mentioned in paragraph 30 , to the idea in the words ‘ fraudulently converts to his own use or benefit , or the use or benefit of any other person ’ in the definition of fraudulent conversion under [ the Larceny Act 1916 , section ] 20(1) ( iv ) .
29 It can be applied to variable-length records by padding or the use of fixed-length buckets for variable records , as discussed previously .
30 Thus , even if space is left within and at the end of each index , updating will involve the shifting and shuffling of a number of records or the use of pointers and links to the new records .
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