Example sentences of "or allow the " in BNC.

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1 If the designers of pit latrines ignore local customs , or allow the latrines to become fly-ridden and smelly , people will stop using them .
2 In the standard form the contractor must pay to or allow the employer the liquidated damages .
3 ‘ The FA should have been brave and made a decision either to eliminate Peterborough or allow the 9-1 result to stand .
4 The system can either access cache data or allow the client 's disk to act as a personal NFS server .
5 He said the parish council either wanted the county council to plant mature trees , considered to be an effective deterrent , or allow the parish council to plant the trees .
6 The ‘ balance of Nature ’ was a shifting affair at the mercy of geographical factors that might change the physical environment or allow the invasion of rival species .
7 Whether they.will actually do so , or allow the change to occur in an uncontrolled manner , bringing about many or some of the adverse outcomes , will mainly depend on the competence of their policy makers .
8 Public law cases may be transferred up , down and across the court system where this will avoid delay , facilitate consolidation or allow the case to be heard at an appropriate level .
9 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
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