Example sentences of "or [verb] altogether " in BNC.

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1 Once materials have been booked out of a main store formalities and paperwork should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether .
2 We are concerned for many reasons about the health of staff , but particularly when we know that illness and disease can be greatly lessened when smoking is reduced or stopped altogether .
3 For most positivist criminologists such concerns were often left to an appendix to their main causal concerns , or omitted altogether .
4 The next version , in line 6 , is the most unequivocally Creole , though typical of a " mesolectal " style because of the presence of is , which would be a or omitted altogether in the basilect .
5 Specific ideas on which it sought views were that preparatory advice given before the granting of a legal aid order should be claimed and paid for under that order and not the green form scheme , and that welfare benefit entitlement work should either be limited to a fixed fee or excluded altogether .
6 If an aggravation occurs i.e. an intensification of the original symptoms , at the end of treatment , then the doses must be reduced in quantity and repeated at longer intervals , or stopped altogether to see if the symptoms will continue to disappear by themselves .
7 In 1939 , as in the 1920s , any imports that could conceivably be replaced by nationally produced goods had to be reduced to a minimum or stopped altogether , even if the result were a reduction in quality .
8 It may be alarmed the first time a bit is put in its mouth , or saddle is put on its back , or it 's girthed up , or mounted , but this anxiety can be ‘ undone ’ or prevented altogether by making sure that the horse is not hurt and by rewarding the horse at the same time .
9 For Christian silence on the subject , combined with our nineteenth-century medical heritage , has resulted in a culture where menstruation is to be treated as a problem or ignored altogether .
10 The well-established and popular rites of the 1559 Prayer Book were either shortened and simplified , as was the case with baptism and marriage , or abolished altogether , as with the churching ceremony after childbirth .
11 It could limit or remove altogether certain rights presumed to exist at common law .
12 In this kind of rift , however , the marginal uplift is either narrow or lacking altogether .
13 If in one election alter another considerable numbers of electors supporting the CDU/CSU or the SPD with their first votes had not switched their second votes to the FOP its representation in the Bundestag could have been reduced to insignificance or vanished altogether .
14 Poor households had their rates bill reduced or remitted altogether under the housing benefit scheme .
15 ‘ Due to the expense of rebuilding walls , many have fallen into disrepair or disappeared altogether .
16 The practice then was based on the Poor Law 's philosophy of restricting or stopping altogether contact between children in public or voluntary care and their parents because , it was argued , the latter were a bad influence on the children ( Checkland and Checkland , 1974 ) .
17 Some governments rewrote their constitutions to restrict , or prohibit altogether , private or foreign participation in their oil industries .
18 James inaugurated the modern or as it is sometimes called , the ‘ modernist ’ novel in England , a kind of fiction which , in pursuit of a more faithful representation of reality , attenuated or eliminated altogether the authorial narrator .
19 Market forces should , as far as possible , reign supreme and welfare state arrangements should be minimized or eliminated altogether , except for those in dire need .
20 This heat can cause certain circuit-board components to malfunction or fail altogether .
21 Economic thinking over the last 40 years , the report observed , had shifted dramatically away from the promotion of state-directed industrialization towards a more " market-friendly " approach to development , but " markets sometimes prove inadequate or fail altogether " and " governments must , for example , invest in infrastructure and provide essential services to the poor " .
22 They had chanced upon a look which was popular and yet could be varied in dozens of different ways ; the neck could be scooped , V-shaped or square , the sleeves could be full , tight or removed altogether ( so that it became a pinafore ) , and the waistline could be moved up or down .
23 However , married or cohabiting women are not eligible in any circumstances , although all the evidence shows that they provide substantial care for the sick and elderly and that their opportunities for paid employment are thereby reduced or removed altogether .
24 To pump it out a new water-wheel was required , suggesting that the old Bonsor East Shaft wheel was too far decayed to repair , or missing altogether .
25 There s been increasing pressure on education authorities to reduce the number of empty places at schools , which means some village schools have had to combine or close altogether .
26 Over a whisky or two in the hotel 's lounge Scotty recalled the days when perfect pop chemistry created music which — unless your ears are square , or closed altogether — you could n't fail to find compelling and irresistible , even thirty five years on …
27 In the case of the exclusive language of traditional hymns , it is better that congregations be helped to respect and accept such hymns as coming from a former age than that they be either inappropriately altered or abandoned altogether .
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