Example sentences of "their eye [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hartebeests rub the glands by their eyes along the sides of their bodies , while deer rub their antlers on vegetation previously coated with their own scent .
2 True , the older children found it necessary to close their eyes during the ‘ soppy bits ’ — to blot out the vision of Peter Pan ( Robin Williams ) and Tinkerbell ( Julia Roberts ) kissing , for instance — but that was a small price to pay , they thought , for a decent story of revenge , piracy and adult idiocy .
3 Furthermore , if speakers did not avert their eyes during the planning ( hesitant ) phases in their speech , there was a marked increase in speech disturbances .
4 I think it was the wonderful sense of rhythm of the mothers of Sidcup and the intense pleasure which radiated from their eyes during the classes which finally captivated me ’ ; subsequent generations of Medau teachers have shared these feelings about their own classes .
5 When Robin burst on stage in a Hawaiian shirt and baggy trousers , the crowd cheered and applauded — barely able to comprehend that Robin had landed in Oz , let alone materialized before their eyes without oopla or hype .
6 T. D. The discipline was tyranny but it was n't bad for us — two policemen walking along the road together , talking about women or football like everybody else , and they ca n't keep their eyes for crime or for offences being committed under their noses .
7 ANYONE who has watched birds sleeping will have noticed that they frequently open their eyes for a moment , or ‘ peek ’ .
8 I said hello to everybody and looked into their eyes for hints of recognition — that these famous musical arbiters and copy- fuhrers might remember my earlier attempts to bum a job on the journo rollercoaster .
9 They were riding cautiously , straining their eyes for a distant light , when the policeman shouted , ‘ Halt ! ’
10 The Old World tropical fruit bats have good vision , and most of them use only their eyes for finding their way around .
11 Some dabbed at their eyes with handkerchiefs , others covered their faces and wept into their hands .
12 He meets their eyes with a look that almost confesses .
13 Inside it was cool and there was a seat that took the weight off her swollen feet , and they watched as gleaming brass plates were trailed in front of their eyes with the regularity of a hypnotist 's charm , and she looked at Dan and he said no thanks and walked out .
14 This , I would argue , though not all would agree , may tell us something interesting about the way the brain compartmentalizes different aspects of visual processing and it may tell us that subjects are more conservative about admitting to seeing a very degraded image than about trying to move their eyes to it , but it sheds little light on the actual experiences the patients are having when we show them a light .
15 Their teacher has said that the project ‘ has opened their eyes to the problems that have to be met by the elderly and disabled . ’
16 The Gainsborough films that best characterize the desire of filmmakers to close their eyes to the darker currents in society , to make believe that the world really is as cosy as some wartime films made it out to be , are Holiday Camp ( 1947 ) and the three sequels set amongst the jolly Huggett family .
17 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
18 But we hope that these impressions will at least bring some encouragement to the many friends we made who are working there , and that they may perhaps even help them by opening their eyes to some new possibilities based on experience elsewhere .
19 Having a strong personality , she had battled her way into the medical profession and convinced many doctors by demonstration that at the very least they could n't shut their eyes to the possibilities of her treatment .
20 Noting that the amateur code is still alive and well in Canada , Hadley nevertheless feels the time has come , as he says , for the powers-that-be to open their eyes to reality .
21 Yes but people shut their eyes to it .
22 But at the moment people shut their eyes to it because
23 As one , they raised their eyes to the ceiling .
24 " Some people would give their eyes to — well , they 'd give a lot to have your eyesight at your age . "
25 She felt solitary and isolated , as though she were missing out on something very necessary , while the others discussed their families , raising their eyes to heaven , complaining about the circumstances of their lives in that particular way women do when they do n't really want to change a thing .
26 There are those that have gone back and erm er it was all right them shutting their eyes to what the the main the crux of the matter and saying , No no everything 's fine in the garden that 's just er trying to kid us but er I do n't think it will work .
27 All you can do is open their eyes to the dangers of the road .
28 After the audience had accustomed their eyes to the flash , they beheld a subtle and beautiful sight .
29 Besides , the Jews inspected the stars by night , turned their eyes towards them and invoked them in their prayers .
30 I do n't say — and do n't you believe — that henceforth you will be transformed in their eyes into a Hero of the Sexual Revolution , but what you have done will be of lasting value , not least to yourself .
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