Example sentences of "would not see " in BNC.

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1 Lucy would not see her .
2 Figure 9 represents the way in which the lines of force are concentrated from the immediate vicinity and makes plausible the idea that an overwound coil would not see much difference in the flux changes it experiences from either system .
3 I left the old Frenchman still puffing away at his pipe and returned through the village to the orchard next to Brigade H.Q I had a feeling that I would not see the French family again .
4 Significantly , his kindergarten would not see — or would not look .
5 The obvious corollary of this is that less qualified ambulance workers , who are largely engaged in driving non-urgent cases , would not see their earnings rise by so much .
6 Yet as our relationship deepened , you seemed to abstract yourself , and sometimes I would not see you for days on end .
7 We must be grateful to past landowners who planted in the knowledge that they would not see the results of their endeavours , but that successive generations would .
8 But I would not see Leslie again .
9 I felt that you would not see why I had gone abroad .
10 We have done our best to protect her ; we ensured she would not see the baby at birth , removing him from the Maternity Unit as soon as he was delivered .
11 But Birch is a modest man , despite his immodest ideas , and would not see his book as any more than a starter .
12 You would not see them here in the forest .
13 And then he had watched two men leave the Tower and walk across towards the Stones , towards his Stones , and he had clambered down from his perch and hidden himself where they would not see him but where he could watch them .
14 The road was just as wide as the Tri-Pacer , and fearing a truck would not see us if we pulled off to the side , we left the aircraft sitting in the middle of the road .
15 But when she looked at the mirror again the stain of spectacles was still there and she had to wipe it off with a cloth so that Larry would not see .
16 In the event of there being no patients for the doctor to see , they would not see the ENP 's patients unless her waiting time was more than one hour .
17 She would not see the heather again .
18 Elizabeth , who met her fiance on holiday five years ago , was described last night as a kind person who ‘ would not see evil in anyone ’ .
19 ‘ When she started staying with friends I would not see her for about a week or so , but I was not concerned .
20 It has been necessary to look with open eyes so we would not see 1700 as a pastoral idyll or an untroubled world .
21 The third and fourth managers , like Mr Stone , would not see her .
22 She waited where she was , knowing that there was no chance the woman would not see her .
23 Undertakers rarely advertised , for theirs was — and remains — a trade where discretion took precedence over high-profile marketing and one would not see an undertaker publishing testimonials from satisfied customers .
24 He would not see his bride before the wedding night so all sorts of pictures could float in the mind .
25 The reader would not see the metacharacters , i.e. the line would appear as Jane Austen 's Pride and Prejudice and Northanger Abbey are
26 She turned on her side so that , if the mouse on the ceiling began a stealthy movement , she would not see it .
27 She was meeting Terry at Holborn , and prayed her brothers would not see him there .
28 They argue that lifting the ban would make policing piracy harder , and that consumers would not see much benefit anyway .
29 It was agreed that they would not see Minton for a while .
30 The knowledge that we would not see restaurants or hotels for some time gave a poignancy to our days in Aswan .
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