Example sentences of "would n't mind " in BNC.

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1 I would n't mind so much but it was me who had to make all the moves when Andy and I first got started . ’
2 ‘ We thought you would n't mind , ’ said Rodney .
3 One woman pointed to his madder lake trousers , said she would n't mind a pair like those .
4 He has no illusions about why he was chosen for the Fogg job : ‘ They thought I was someone who would n't mind the suffering involved — and someone who was cheap .
5 I knew you would n't mind having her for just a fortnight . ’
6 ‘ If I ever settle down , I would n't mind a house like his .
7 I reckon if Sara 's in heaven , she would n't mind me brushing someone else 's hair .
8 I would n't mind that , even with the baby .
9 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
10 Well-dressed though , and I would n't mind having his watch . ’
11 ‘ Yes , ’ Frau Nordern looked at her mail and added , ruefully , ‘ I would n't mind staying with her myself . ’
12 But I rather thought , you know , if you would n't mind , we might go to Treptower Park . ’
13 You would n't mind that , would you ?
14 I would n't mind English being the only language — it certainly makes me unpopular . ’
15 Would n't mind working with her personally , myself .
16 He smoothly changed the subject to the looks of the blond model , three tables away , and Barton agreed he would n't mind a bit of that ; on the thin side , mind you , but tasty .
17 She hesitated , then said that she would like that rather than a drink , if he really would n't mind .
18 He would n't mind being haunted by Uncle Walter .
19 He would n't mind taking early retirement .
20 ‘ I did say you would be cold if you came to live with me , but you said you would n't mind .
21 ‘ It 's interesting , is n't it ? ’ said Aunt Bedelia , ‘ I would n't mind doing a degree in legs myself because mine are giving me gyp these days . ’
22 Soccer fans would n't mind if the job was given to a hermaphrodite , provided it had a place in the Cabinet , an important voice in decision-taking and an avowed policy to improve sport in Britain , not just soccer but across the board .
23 Mr John Canford , who led the protest , said : ‘ We would n't mind if that was what really happened .
24 Cocooned in an ivory tower of antique furniture and unfinished jigsaw puzzles , she spends an inordinate amount of time doing simple things like pouring hot water into a teapot ; then she gets on the telephone to her friends and either hangs up just as they reach the receiver or asks them if they would n't mind coming round to tea and picking up some skate from the fishmonger on the way .
25 It would be less passive , but still a form of projection , if in the above illustration I were to add , ‘ And doctors … if you would n't mind making notes … to help our discussion later ’ .
26 Maggie glanced over at the punch bowl thinking she would n't mind some .
27 I would n't mind losing my stuff but I 'd hate to lose my films .
28 I would n't mind if …
29 You would n't mind if he married your daughter , but you would n't want to put him on the front page .
30 I would n't mind being an actor as well .
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