Example sentences of "would cause [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The consequent revaluations would cause mayhem , chaos and huge bills for those on the receiving end .
2 Ministers are considering an embarrassing U-turn after two disastrous periods of consultation in which they were told that the lists , to be drawn up by local authorities , would cause blight on thousands of acres and hit land and property values .
3 The sub-floor must be smooth , level and dry — any damp-proof membrane must be effective , as using a bitumen emulsion does not ensure damp resistance and any dampness would cause expansion of the conditioned wood blocks .
4 Clear gloss varnishes should not be stirred or shaken before use , as this would cause air bubbles to form which would might spoil the appearance of the varnish .
5 ‘ What would cause horror would be if chloroform or dichloromethane were added to the protocol .
6 But to change all the s's in a book into G's would cause chaos .
7 Attempts by an aggressor power to exact indemnities or to confiscate the wealth of private individuals in a conquered state would cause chaos in the international money markets , undermining the basis of the conqueror 's own prosperity .
8 A repeat of the 1947 flood across a wide area on the River Thames would cause chaos to those properties and to all communications .
9 The judge said the two knew the killing would cause chaos , anarchy and widespread bloodshed .
10 His ideas would cause chaos .
11 But er it would cause chaos for a time
12 The Eton Urban District Council granted permission ( under delegated powers ) , but after a petition , mainly from local shopkeepers , decided to seek a revocation order on the ground that ‘ the existence of a fish and chip restaurant in the High Street would be detrimental to the amenities , would cause nuisance , offence and annoyance to occupiers of properties in the vicinity and to users of the public highway , and would adversely affect the general appearance of the High Street ’ .
13 This kind of movement would cause panic and injuries in the top two floors .
14 Ward councillor Nick ThorneWallis ( Lab ) says the proposed takeaway off Whinfield Road would cause parking , litter and noise problems .
15 Following from the case of R. v. Taylor [ 1950 ] 2 KB 368 ( CA ) , the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) , whilst generally bound by its own previous decisions , will not be bound where to apply the previous decision of the court would cause injustice to the accused .
16 Where it seemed that this would cause injustice , equity stepped in with the doctrine of " part performance " : if the contract were partly performed , equity would not allow a statute to be used " as an engine of fraud " .
17 And it was equally insistent that a policy of retreat would cause dismay in Washington , thereby diminishing Britain 's ability to exert influence over American policy .
18 If a geneticist speaks loosely of a ‘ gene for behaviour X ’ , he does not mean that there is a gene which would cause behaviour X if inserted into any animal .
19 An increase in GEC 's dominance in the market would cause damage to the UK defence industry .
20 The housing proposals will generate some additional traffic but not on a scale which would cause capacity or safety problems .
21 The model developed in chapter 4 suggested that only the unpredictable component of aggregate demand would cause output to deviate from its natural level , and the more unpredictable it was the less effect it would have on the deviation of real output from its natural rate .
22 To introduce too many changes , he argued , would cause scandal among the faithful .
23 Section 7(4) imposes a duty on the disposal authority to issue such a notice where it appears that continuation of activities to which the licence relates would cause pollution of water , a danger to public health or are seriously detrimental to amenities of the locality , and can not be avoided by modifying the conditions specified in the licence .
24 It is submitted on behalf of the father and the grandmother that , if an order were not made , C. would go to the grandmother and the care which would then be given to him would not be care which would cause suffering of harm and that , therefore , the second limb of the threshold condition is not made out .
25 ‘ There does n't seem to be any safety net for laying people off and there is the belief put about by certain politicians that full employment would cause inflation to rise .
26 He knew that a conspiracy ( exposed with the maximum publicity ) to murder the king and Parliament in one horrific holocaust would cause public opinion to recoil into solid support for the less than popular James I and himself .
27 This , said Mr Harcourt , would cause Clayoquot Sound to be viewed as a paragon of balance between the interests of industry and those of the environment .
28 A regime which imposed no limits upon States ' ability to enter into conflicting treaties would cause unpredictability and undermine the usefulness of treaties .
29 They said Left-wing Labour MPs , including many who opposed the abandonment of unilateralism after the 1987 election , would cause havoc for a Labour government .
30 There was a good chance that this Sandison fellow would cause trouble and he would be linked to it .
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