Example sentences of "say sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 say sort of environmentally friendly and
2 I 'm glad I 'm grown-up now actually because er y'know it 's one of my great pleasures in life to wake up in the mornings and think great I 'm grown-up , I do n't have to go to school and er and I do n't have to live with my parents and er things are much better now than they were say sort of y'know twenty years ago or so , er giving away my age there .
3 if someone just says sort of , straight off and asks you especially if you you think , Ooh he 's asking me here maybe they 're not , maybe they are .
4 The note says sort of do n't tell people until after or unless they ask you
5 but you 've worked that out yourself I like that because you you went for the salt see you knew you were doing exactly what I was saying sort of forming the pattern
6 But can you think of anyone who stands out as being somebody who really does their bit and yet does it possibly with humility or erm I 'm thinking of rather than saying sort of a general terminology of sort of Prime Ministers or what have you , erm I 'm thinking if you can think of a a particular person ?
7 They take out anything that can identify you or me erm if you know if I said sort of George or gave an address or a phone number they that would be chopped out .
8 How would you feel if er a if I said sort of describe how you feel on a scale of one to ten ?
9 I said I 'm , most morning I said sort of every other morning I 'm ironing here at half five
10 I mean that , in that situation I would try and say sort of
11 And it 's only the people who become , well I mean , I was gon na say sort of gold medallists and the Olympics who are good at that sort of thing because the best in the world , yeah .
12 Oh yeah , I agree , but I mean why do n't erm why do n't you say sort of we 're not satisfied and advertise or .
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