Example sentences of "say [that] god " in BNC.

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1 But if we ( rightly ) say that God has to be unchangeable we do not mean he is static any more than if we say ‘ The Equator ’ is not the name of a poison we mean that it is safe to eat it .
2 They say that God intervenes directly in a supernatural sense in what goes on in the world .
3 Thus one might , said Dionysius , say that God was ‘ good ’ but it was necessary to qualify this in the same breath : he was Goodness itself but he was not ‘ good ’ in the limited way that human beings understood this quality .
4 She says that God spoke to many people in the Bible through their dreams , like Jacob , Joseph and Nebuchadnezzer. so why not her ?
5 Indeed Psalm 7:11 says that God is angry with the wicked every day .
6 Verse 20 says that God can do what believers ask in prayer .
7 On the contrary , God gives men so many reasons to have lack of trust ( calamities , uncertainties , loss of hope ) that it could be said that God actually illustrates that trust in something or someone beneficial is not to be erected on happiness or good experiences alone . ’
8 Some misunderstood him to have said that God hates infants and when this was passed around , it produced much ill feeling towards Baxter .
9 Thus it is claimed that God is perfectly just , where we are imperfectly so — indeed it is sometimes said that God is ‘ justice ’ or ‘ justice itself ’ .
10 As Christian doctrine developed , and it was said that God in Christ took on humanity , in both Greek and Latin the inclusive term for humanity was used , not that specifically for a male human being .
11 Now if it could be said that God in Christ took on specifically ‘ male humanity ’ , then women would be outside the scheme of salvation — and that has never been suggested .
12 Jesus , in such a statement , is held to be unique , if only through the fact that this is the human of whom it must be said that God raised him .
13 Even if we take patristic Christology , in which it is said that God in Christ took on humanity in which we all participate , it is still the case that that human nature was the human nature of a male human being .
14 Kronecker had said that God made the integers and the rest is the work of man .
15 We go further , and it is often said that God has revealed his Spirit as much in Buddhism and Hinduism as in Christianity ; indeed , as much in atheism as in theism .
16 In other words , it could be taken as saying that God 's presence is universal and complete , ours is partial and incomplete .
17 The third principle tells us that when we call God ‘ transcendent ’ we are not saying that God is ‘ above ’ , ‘ outside ’ or ‘ beyond ’ the universe .
18 By saying that God ‘ transcends ’ the universe we are saying that none of the limitations that apply to finite life — such as being in a particular place — applies to God .
19 George Herbert took up this image by saying that God 's ‘ silk twist ’ links earth to heaven .
20 When Jesus says to his disciples , ‘ You are not to set your mind on food or drink ; you are not to worry ’ ( Luke 12:29 — the only New Testament use of the word ) , he is saying that God 's care for us as Father means that food and drink are not to be a hang-up , an occasion for doubt and anxiety which constantly keeps us up in the air .
21 In this act , Luke is saying that God , who sent Jesus to do his work on earth , now consecrated him for that work .
22 Jesus is saying that God forgives the sinner absolutely .
23 Suppose the reformer stops saying that a good woman may be like God and begins saying that God is like a good woman .
24 At Firbank , where the chapel proved too small , he went out on to the fell to preach to the people , saying that God 's church was not made of stone but of the air and the countryside around .
25 Are we saying that God has absolutely no imagination at all ?
26 Next you 'll be saying that God favours women more than men because he created Eve in Paradise , rather than before , as He did Adam . ’
27 Jesus said that God 's kingdom would come in the future , at the end of time , when all evil would be destroyed .
28 ‘ He said that God Save The Queen was an inspiration for that . ’
29 In the letter quoted above Wordsworth reiterated that he never said that God is Nature , or that Nature and God are the same ; what he ( and Hopkins ) stressed was ‘ the indwelling spirit ’ .
30 And Jesus said that God 's dominion , the rule of Heaven , is something like a mustard seed which starts out tiny and ends up big .
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