Example sentences of "say [art] wrong " in BNC.

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1 When faced with what we regard as consummately bad taste , or people who seem to revel in exactly the behaviour we abhor , we often feel revolted , nauseous or acutely embarrassed , as when parents say the wrong thing in front of a child 's peers , or that child is forced to wear clothes whose image he or she rejects .
2 Whereas I mean , , if you sort of give the criticism first and say the wrong area is that , and then finish it off with the praise , they know where they stand , and when you come up to them and say you 've done a superb job , they 're not just sitting back , thinking oh yes , what 's coming next .
3 Oh , but I have said the wrong thing , she thought , for her sister 's face had tightened and her eyes burned with a coppery light .
4 He knew at once that he had said the wrong thing .
5 She saw immediately that she had said the wrong thing .
6 ‘ I 've said the wrong thing .
7 Her expression froze at that , and his heart seemed to sink into his guts as he realised he 'd almost said the wrong thing .
8 Again she knew at once that she had said the wrong thing .
9 There was a doom-laden pause , and Desmond became conscious he had said the wrong thing again .
10 She knew she had said the wrong thing the minute the words had left her mouth .
11 Seb realised he had inadvertently said the wrong thing , but Carrie had gone to the scullery that opened off the farmhouse kitchen .
12 ‘ Oh , dear , I hope I have n't said the wrong thing ?
13 Have I said the wrong th
14 The young men holding office were still tactful , and even complicity helped people to avoid saying the wrong things ; but they spoke with the authority of government , and informed their elders of the facts of cases and the truths of matters .
15 Ludens was by now , in an ordinary sense , more used to being with Marcus , less afraid of ‘ saying the wrong thing ’ , and had resolved today to ask a crude question which had been troubling him for some time .
16 I get very uptight over what to say without upsetting him , so when we do finally talk I end up saying the wrong things .
17 " I keep saying the wrong things .
18 ‘ What is more embarrassing : using the wrong spoon , or saying the wrong thing in bed ? ’
19 She 'd been silly , getting into an argument on the edge of a cliff and saying the wrong thing .
20 Why did she keep reacting like this , and saying the wrong thing ?
21 Some people seemed to have a talent for saying the wrong thing , she thought to herself .
22 Everyone laughs and I think I said the wrong thing , but Peter smiles at me and stands up .
23 She thought that if he said the wrong thing now everything would be over for her and him .
24 For , as Richard said the wrong choice could prove an expensive mistake .
25 Oh I said the wrong one !
26 That was the trouble with Mrs Flaherty , you could n't trust her not to say the wrong thing in company , that was one of the reasons why she was the Wrong Element .
27 Even when he was being particularly careful not to offend , he seemed to manage to say the wrong thing .
28 Okay so I think that erm some of Mill 's system he has given us and accounted them a type of theory of democracy but seems to me deeply by between two ideas , one is that everyone will have a say in government and the other is they should n't be allowed decisive say if they are going to say the wrong thing so that on the one hand we have democratic equality of a source , on the other hand we have an independent theory of the good and a democratic process should be allowed to disrupt the good of the nation and Mill just does n't seem to be able to put these two elements in erm proper coherent fashion .
29 She was silent , afraid she would say the wrong thing , watching him , this man-boy , her curiosity aroused , her sympathies awoken .
30 I 'd put the phone down rather than say the wrong thing and have my brother wreck yet another piece of Post Office property .
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