Example sentences of "his enthusiasm for " in BNC.

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1 His raptures over pretty strangers and their come-hither designer clothes were as over-the-top as his enthusiasm for a new cocktail .
2 After his talks with Mr Baker , Chancellor Kohl toned down his enthusiasm for moves toward German unity .
3 In negotiations with the Iranians , however , North maintained that his enthusiasm for war had no place .
4 But his enthusiasm for spending is restrained .
5 These days , he is attempting to persuade record-buyers to share his enthusiasm for music from Eastern Europe : the Trio Bulgarka , from Sofia , and the hauntingly beautiful songs of the Hungarian Marta Sebestyen .
6 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
7 The NME succumbed to The Smiths success by parading a lengthy Smiths interview by Biba Kopf , a writer not known for his enthusiasm for the Smiths .
8 Herbert caught his enthusiasm for the idea .
9 He had lost most of his enthusiasm for the idea by now .
10 His enthusiasm for this has led to the interpolation of several texts .
11 On the Glomar Challenger , and back on shore , Hall met others who shared his enthusiasm for the ocean floor .
12 Sometimes Papert 's writings and his enthusiasm for changing the structure of education seem to place him in affinity with such educational radicals as Ivan Illich and Everett Reimer , but this is misleading .
13 He , in his enthusiasm for ‘ stimulating the phagocytes ’ , chooses the wrong moment for an inoculation and thus kills the patient .
14 Chris Bramwell presents a sympathetic Russian , exhorting his enthusiasm for particle physics as an artform with an appealing simplicity of one who would write a spy story without surprises .
15 Personally , I respect his view and at the same time am glad of his enthusiasm for church planting : ‘ I am convinced that Church Planting is a mark of vigorous and outgoing Christianity and is a sign of hope for the future ’ , he says .
16 But his enthusiasm for system led him too easily to assume that a native administration duly gazetted was a native administration actually functioning as a responsible organ of local government , and this set a limit to his achievements in reform .
17 He highlighted the importance of a well thought out training programme , and clearly shared his enthusiasm for running and his intentions for Barcelona .
18 Like other intellectuals of his time , such as Isaac Newton , he retained his enthusiasm for investigating curious phenomena .
19 BARRY HEARN made millions out of — and for — snooker and has subsequently spent mi His rivals pretend to loath him , some actually do , and his enthusiasm for his players , boxers and loadsamoney schemes can appear OTT .
20 There are countless stories about his enthusiasm for trains , from his few moments on the footplate of the Flying Scotsman to David Tweedie 's interview for a job at TMcL largely spent in discussing a mutual interest in the LNER .
21 Today more than ever , his enthusiasm for the car is tangible .
22 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
23 Another poet , Virgil Teodorescu , combined his enthusiasm for both birthday celebrants , claiming they were ‘ the historical couple whose existence merges with the country 's destiny . ’
24 The author of The Cloud of Unknowing had been able to overcome a deep historical prejudice in his enthusiasm for Greek spirituality .
25 Once you 've pondered the crucial question of which is the bigger — Mount Everest or Blessed 's supremely affable ego , then the best course of action is simply to let the saltily ribald tidal wave of his enthusiasm for the Big Hill and its history wash over you .
26 Muni 's interest , however , would have come to nothing if there were not men at the studios who shared his enthusiasm for this potentially explosive subject .
27 His enthusiasm for ‘ La Causa ’ , as he called it , spread to thousands of liberals who joined him on boycotts and on several dramatic marches to Sacramento .
28 President Ishaq has made a dignified statement about his enthusiasm for upholding the constitution .
29 On the French side the Black Prince 's principal opponent was Ring John II , who succeeded his father Philip VI in 1350 and who was to allow his enthusiasm for chivalric deeds to outrun his political and military judgement .
30 His closeness to the king and his enthusiasm for the war would have ensured him a place as a leader of the younger generation of nobles , and his death was yet another misfortune for the king .
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