Example sentences of "his right to " in BNC.

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1 Here is young Boris Nikolayevich fearlessly exposing his primary-school teacher as a sadist ; deprived of his right to secondary education by vengeful teachers , he triumphantly appeals over their heads and continues his studies .
2 After the first exchange of letters , he would tell Viola about it to impress her of his need and , indeed , his right to her .
3 As the elder brother , it was his privilege and his right to ‘ go oot ’ whenever the fancy took him , especially as he was a toiler .
4 Watching her , Trent recalled sailing towards what he had expected to be his death the previous morning on Golden Girl … his sense of deprivation , of having been robbed of his right to a normal life .
5 When a figure such as Duck , amenable , respectful and flattering in his gratitude came to be transplanted from his native Wiltshire to mingle with the best society of the land , his mentors no longer questioned his right to such an elevation , but were immediately at pains to educate him to become an inconspicuous unit in his new social caste .
6 The European Court held the refusal was a breach of his right to a private and family life , since the file was the major record of his childhood , and there should have been an independent body which could override an improper refusal of consent .
7 Significantly , the form of written agreement by which the father handed over the farm would make explicit not only his right to a room in the house , a place at the hearth , food , and the yield of a potato-patch and ‘ grass of a cow ’ , but also clear financial compensation if the arrangement broke down .
8 For the set of circumstances in which the patient finds himself is a very great contributing factor to the possible inroads into his right to self-determination .
9 His right to the throne was distinctly tenuous ; there were said to be 57 people , if Roman Catholics were included , with a better claim .
10 Each would-be Member has to comply with the requirements of the Parliamentary Oaths Act 1866 , as amended , prove his right to membership to the satisfaction of the Speaker and be admitted to the House by the Speaker .
11 Despite the Prime Minister 's pledge , Diana may never be queen — because Charles may surrender his right to be king .
12 Or is he more likely to waive his right to succession in favour of Prince William ?
13 Because however much we might be reassured by Parliament that Charles 's constitutional position will be unaffected by his separation , most of us believe that the Prince will finally have to give up his right to the throne — just as his Great Uncle did in the Abdication of 1936 .
14 ODDS on the Prince of Wales renouncing his right to the throne before 1994 shortened dramatically yesterday .
15 Palace aides secretly expect that if a divorce did take place , Charles would renounce his right to the throne .
16 If he could not persuade the man to desist from dying , then he would claim his pound of flesh and his right to Jesus 's soul on the cross ; the rebellion of this holy creature would then be over .
17 The boost in his own confidence was tremendous and I recall James feeling , quite rightly , that he had now proved his right to be included among the top drivers .
18 The employee need not work out the period of notice if he prefers not to , although he loses his right to wages in lieu of notice .
19 It was as if he had n't really wanted freedom , only to assert his right to be free if he chose , which is quite a different thing and has something both sad and comical about it .
20 The fines imposed upon the Earl of Lancaster and his followers were remitted , and Lancaster received confirmation of his right to Pontefract , Tutbury and Leicester , which he had not been able to recover after the revolution of 1327 , though he had to lease Pontefract from the queen for £1,000 a year .
21 The letter contained a renunciation of Edward 's homage to Philip , an assertion of his right to the French crown , and a declaration of war .
22 But in 1348 the Earl of Arundel , who was Warenne 's sister 's husband and sole legitimate heir , petitioned the king to revoke this agreement , for it would ‘ disinherit the petitioner of his right to premises which should descend to him in the event of the death of the earl … without lawful heir .
23 The fact that he had agreed to surrender his right to the greater claim — that of the crown of France — in return for concession on the sovereignty issue shows where , in 1360 , Edward III 's priorities lay .
24 Malcolm 's brother Donald Bane declared his right to the throne , and in violent tirades against English influence in the country rallied forces to drive out most of Margaret 's entourage .
25 ( g ) To inform the suspect of the reason for the detention , of his right to legal advice and his right to have a person informed that he is in custody and his right to consult the Codes of Practice .
26 In 1299 Boniface VIII ordered Edward to abandon war in Scotland since that kingdom was a papal fief , and he invited Edward to send proctors to Rome to establish his right to the Scottish crown .
27 If B's claim , which , in substance , would be a claim that his right to a fair criminal trial under Article 6 had been violated , were to be ventilated before the Commission , it would have to be satisfied that domestic remedies had been exhausted .
28 If this be correct , then one would say that a refusal by the House of Lords to exercise any mandatory Gallagher jurisdiction to dispose of B 's undetermined arguments would have denied him his right to a judgment and would have been in violation of the terms of Article 6 .
29 By refusing to relist B's case to deal with the points undisposed of , the Court of Appeal was denying B his right to a judgment .
30 I there said that it is ‘ every fact which it would be necessary for the plaintiff to prove , if traversed , in order to support his right to the judgment of the court . ’
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