Example sentences of "we look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 in the way it has done , and furthermore , every year there 's a survey taken in this country , where we look across the country at the public service and we ask people in the community what they think of their public services .
2 Erm , it would seem sensible if we look across the whole commission to try and even things out .
3 And as we look over these next few minutes , we 'll consider that it was Pilate who rejected and who crucified the Lord Jesus .
4 We look through the blinds there — they keep them open for us now — and there 's always someone .
5 we bring them all in and , and when we go for breaks we look through them and decide where we 're gon na go next year .
6 Well if we look under escalating premium and single life male , that 's the first column , we come to the figure of three pound fifty five ?
7 More feels this presence of the past when ‘ we look into the eyes of love ’ and obtain ‘ for one supercelestial moment — the glimpse of a reality never before imagined , and never again to be revealed ’ .
8 We look into its heart ,
9 Right , okay , the other thing I was going to ask about we , we had a big promotion of Amnesty by The Body Shop , last year , er and we noticed that Our Price were also going to do promotion of Amnesty and we asked , wonder if we look into local shops and see what they could find out and what was going on , did you find anything ?
10 Turning to a school photograph next to the oak coffin , he added : ‘ We look into his eyes on that wonderful photograph but his eyes are still .
11 We look into the records and another question emerges .
12 We look into each other 's eyes like card players wondering what 's hidden .
13 ‘ Next , we look into each other 's eyes , like this . ’
14 As a result with good control of working capital , our cash flow overall was virtually the same as in the previous year in spite of the significant profit collapse and although there may be some further redundancies this year , I do n't expect them to be in any way on the same scale as during nineteen ninety two and the important thing is that we now have costs in line with the lower level of revenue as we look into nineteen ninety three .
15 So , yes , I would certainly support that we look into this proposition .
16 Okay well if we look into the development of the presidency what we 've seen is a gradually changing conception of the office .
17 It 's something very close to what I 'm saying erm and erm I 'm saying perhaps one thing in addition , which is that just as when we look into the future , which , as a historian , I 'm asked to do more often , I think , these days than looking at the past , but when we look into the future , we have different versions of what that future will be .
18 It 's something very close to what I 'm saying erm and erm I 'm saying perhaps one thing in addition , which is that just as when we look into the future , which , as a historian , I 'm asked to do more often , I think , these days than looking at the past , but when we look into the future , we have different versions of what that future will be .
19 Similarly , I think , as we look into the past , there are different versions of the past .
20 If we look into the history of Iraq I do n't think anybody can remember in the past twenty years they have contributed anything , neither in the terms of world economy , neither in the world of world peace , or any humanitarian
21 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
22 Perhaps if we look beyond superficial disagreements we may find that today 's men and women of influence share fundamental beliefs and that these beliefs can inspire a common approach to community care .
23 Underwater Safari This month we look as the Great Diving Beetle .
24 We 're extremely interested in the women we try to treat them as individuals we cope with a lot of problems and I think if we look as women as individuals , each individual woman has a different problem .
25 We look with him .
26 We look towards the painter from the painting 's point of view .
27 We look towards the hymen ,
28 The point I am making now is that , even if we look on the dark side and assume that individual man is fundamentally selfish , our conscious foresight — our capacity to simulate the future in imagination — could save us from the worst selfish excesses of the blind replicators .
29 If we look on the black side and assume that the remaining 24 readers who did not reply had regained their weight , it still left over two-thirds who had maintained their lost weight .
30 They 'd say : " We look on you as part of the family — we feel we know you so well . "
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