Example sentences of "we need [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How , ’ he asked , ‘ do we provide the houses we need without destroying the places we love ? ’
2 We need above all , however , to approach all old people with the recognition that as individuals they are varied in their strengths and weaknesses , values and attitudes as the rest of us .
3 We need above all — because it is the key to everything else — to increase the productivity and the competitiveness of our industries , because that alone will encourage more job creation .
4 We 've done a quick calculation of interview sheets that we think we , we need , I need two boxes for Caernarfon , Jan needs three , we 've got four and a half boxes already , we were gon na order two just to be on the same safe , but we 're just looking into erm whether we need , how many we need on the R S I 's on the M sixty three cos we might as well order them all together , save
5 I want to turn this right round because a couple of people have mentioned guilt and er I I suspect that one of the reasons that women are a bit worried about talking about depression or or campaigning for changes in policy , or more funding , or or whatever , is that for a long time women have been thought of as the weaker sex , more emotional , more nervous , by a , a a male establishment , I 'm talking about past centuries , is n't there a case for saying there 's actually we have a right to be depressed , I mean , obviously it 's normal , ninety three of you get depressed from time to time , the majority of you do n't think you clinically depressive if it is , if it 's normal to be depressed should n't the services to cope with depression , if we need outside help , be there and there 's no shame in it ?
6 It was thought to be efficient to increase the yield to produce more than we need at a price which is more than we can pay and then dump the surplus on the world market , leaving the farmer with nothing .
7 Yet we need at this point to take in deeply what Paul is indicating .
8 We need at the end to have simplified to a stage where one sentence , almost a slogan , will describe what we believe , and what we can accept and work to .
9 Our school 's library does n't relate to what we need at all .
10 To understand it we need at least six different analyses : the expected rate of return ; the payout period and the investment 's expected productive life ; the discounted present value of all returns through the productive lifetime of the investment ; the risk in not making the investment or deferring it ; the cost and risk in case of failure ; and finally , the opportunity cost .
11 We need at least forty thousand signatures before we can even attempt to , to do anything with and get publicity round that .
12 What we need at G.W. is a designer who can appeal to a new market of younger customers without losing the loyalty of our more traditional clientele — who are far from all being , ’ he added with a twist of humour , ‘ retired country ladies , as I recall you suggested . ’
13 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
14 Because we need at least one person to do it , it 's go it 's getting out of control now
15 He said : ‘ We need at least 12 in our two matches against them to beef up our goal difference . ’
16 So we need at least five of that size to meet our workload requirements .
17 But at least we have trained the waitress to bring us three cups of coffee each for breakfast , as we need at least that to wake us up for an early morning start !
18 It is up to each one of us , he wrote , at every point in our lives , to decide how much order and how much disorder , how much discipline and how much freedom we need for the best realization of our project of the moment , even though that project may turn out to be flawed or even utterly mistaken in the short run , of course I am only talking about the short run , he wrote , in the long run , as I have already said , both success and failure are quite without meaning , the notion of meaning is quite without meaning .
19 Why we , we need this money , we need for the bringing of reform in Iran .
20 We begin by reminding ourselves daily that God provides all that we need for our lives .
21 Maybe not having what we crave for is exactly what we need for our development or to give us time and the space to reflect on what we truly want !
22 Wind provides all the energy we need for an anchored ( line held taut by the flyer ) kite .
23 Then we are to pray for the things we need for the doing of that holy will — food for the body and soul , forgiveness for the failures and sins of the past , and help to forgive others who sin against us , protection in temptation and deliverance from evil .
24 Sometimes we come very close to the world outside , for example when we hear someone say the words we need for a piece of writing we 're involved in we commit it lovingly to memory so we can use it .
25 This is a much slower atmospheric change than lungs , of course , and is suited to the confined and restricted conditions of a ‘ soil atmosphere ’ , which is just what we need for them to breathe in poison .
26 We prove it to them by demonstrating that the money we need for research and investment over the next few years is in place .
27 This is because men can not properly develop their powers except in co-operation and friendship with others , and because the true goods of human life , those which we need for our own personal fulfilment , are not goods in some limited supply for which we must compete , but ones which each can the better enjoy , the more others are enjoying them .
28 But I I I think you should say a clear and simple statement of what our what we need for the company or person approached is
29 It 's almost exactly the same … we get everything we need for the notes written on the board so we can just copy it down … so it 's just the same as school , except the homework — when you do those problem sheets , they do n't bother to mark it .
30 Erm I I still feel , as as a a business , we need for our own purposes an internal report .
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