Example sentences of "we should see " in BNC.

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1 I think we should see this pessimism as a direct result of adopting the representational theory of the mind .
2 We should see if there is a ‘ horizon … between what is , and what is not comprehensible by us ’ .
3 Rather than large , intrusive stations at long intervals we should see smaller , more frequent service areas providing a much wider range of facilities .
4 Indeed we should see life not as an ineluctable fight to the death , but as a delicate balance between competition and co-operation .
5 And I suppose it is like that , because if we walked up to those , we should see more — and more … ’
6 ‘ It 's strange we should see one this evening . ’
7 She insists that we should see God primarily as all loving , and claims that ‘ ’ Love is his meaning'' and that we are all enfolded in that love .
8 And with luck we should see the other tourist giants in Spain — Torremolinos and Lloret — moving along the same lines .
9 Next time the left hand section of Cheedale 's Cornice dries out , we should see some fun and games .
10 We should see in about four minutes — his course is on a direct intersection with ours . ’
11 Most of the evidence we find for full-time craftsmen nevertheless comes from the temples of the Middle and Late Minoan periods , so we should see the main period of craft industries as belonging to an urban society and in particular to the temples within that urban society .
12 Rather than seeing child abuse as an exceptional problem requiring an exceptional response , and hence a qualitatively different practice , we should see it as part of child care and hence child care practice .
13 In all this we should see not personal vanity — Pope John was too old for that — but an act of primatial responsibility .
14 We travelled the length and breadth of the island , stopping to paint as often as we could persuade him to do so … which was n't always easy , as he was so keen that we should see everything .
15 But we should see clowns as reflections of ourselves .
16 We should see the secondhand market as an opportunity , not a threat , or it will become a threat . ’
17 In fact , come to think of it , there 's no reason why we should see each other at all .
18 In the not too distant future we should see a diskless , Pentium , networked , pen based computer running NeXTSTEP or Windows NT .
19 We should see how well efforts to encourage and persuade employers to take note of the needs and the abilities of disabled people to contribute to their enterprises do , before we consider the need for further legislation .
20 If certain others were in tune with his message of peace , we should see much quicker progress in Northern Ireland .
21 We should see our respective institutions as having equal status , and our individual functions as equivalent regardless of grade .
22 Information is our stock-in-trade , and we should see ourselves as custodians , users , and disseminators of information .
23 But we should see where the common ground lies and , having identified it , we should build there , and if we fail to do this , we 'll be failing both our groups of members .
24 ‘ Better we should see you off than those bastards you expected , is n't it ? ’
25 Some Whigs were implicated in Jacobite activities , amongst them John Wildman , Charles Mordaunt ( third Earl of Monmouth ) , the Earls of Dorset and Shrewsbury , and the Duke of Bolton , although whether we should see their alleged intrigues as much more than fire-insurance Jacobitism is unclear .
26 Well you see that complaint is that and myself are not actively seeing these regional managers , they believe that we should see them
27 We should see what we can do on this matter and expect another report back and then they actually can tell .
28 If they are correlated in some way , then we should see a pattern when we consider the sets of scores across several people .
29 Both sides like to attack , so we should see plenty of goals .
30 We should see him soon he was doing some er curtain tracks for us .
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