Example sentences of "[being] at [art] same time " in BNC.

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1 Last year Lord Petre planted out about ten thousand Americans which , being at the same time mixed with about twenty thousand Europeans , and some Asians , make a very beautiful appearance , great art and skill being shown in consulting everyone 's particular growth and the well blending of the greens …
2 At the same time that Coleridge was discussing Hartley with Wordsworth he was also constantly urging him to write ‘ a philosophic poem ’ — ‘ No man was ever yet a great poet without being at the same time a profound philosopher ’ .
3 x. failure to maintain professional standards , being at the same time pefectionistic in some things and amazingly casual in others .
4 This was partly because he was not exceptionally bright while being at the same time exceptionally unimaginative , but it was also because odd carvings and perilous tunnels were all in a day 's work .
5 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
6 They all come into being at the same time .
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