Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] from [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Onyett ( 1992 ) argues against the use of the term care management on the grounds that the term ‘ care ’ obscures the need to focus on needs and strengths of individual users ; implies a passive relationship between users and providers ; and can be equated with being banished from everyday life .
2 The 5th company of the PDF , apparently surprised by the American move , slowly organised a counter-attack and gunfire was still being heard from this area yesterday morning .
3 It starts off essentially defining them as people who are impartial , and in no time at all we are talking about them being nominated from different sector interest .
4 Being fabricated from thin section materials the uprights are not considered to be of sufficiently robust construction to support the cladding and the roof of the building — as is typical of many structural steel high-bay structures .
5 What could the sensation of his persona being sucked from one house of flesh and fitted , circuit by circuit , into another possibly feel like ?
6 Thompson , meanwhile , is giving King William the chance to redeem himself after the disappointments of Badminton in May , when a last day showjumping flop led to him being dropped from European Championship reckoning .
7 The £750,000 required is being sought from special council budgets , so that a rolling programme of ferry replacement is not affected .
8 They came in many shapes , being made from collective desire , which fact seemed to move Sartori profoundly .
9 Items in suspense and transmission are funds in the process of being transferred from one customer 's account to another .
10 The 24-inch diameter pipes are being transferred from British Pipe Coaters , of Leith in Scotland , for Irish utility company Bord Gais in Dublin to be used on the Irish Sea natural gas interconnector project .
11 He thought the Church would be upset by his researches on Moses and monotheism , and he wanted to avoid being prevented from practising psychoanalysis .
12 An ‘ idea-meme ’ might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another .
13 In her short experience of travelling with the Doctor , she had found that being saved from certain death entailed the likelihood of suffering a fate that was even worse .
14 CRITICALLY ill patients are being moved from one hospital to another in a desperate search for hospital beds , a medical expert revealed yesterday .
15 Personnel of the Operation Life-Line Sudan programme had on March 31 been forced by fighting to leave Bor for the second time in two weeks , although some 6,000 malnourished children were being fed from that distribution point .
16 In practice , the overwhelming majority of those involved in Haycocks II provision was still being drawn from general adult education .
17 These nozzles are mainly used on wide bodied aircrafts and marketing of the product is now in hand with significant interest being shown from large airline operators .
18 We will pursue it vigorously , and we will campaign to get changed the basic rules which ensure that a country which is rich in coal resources ensures that it makes the most of the use of these coal resources , and changes the rules automatically excluding coal from being used from sensible base burning for electricity laws .
19 Next , it might be said that although Locke was in the business of trying to explain communication in terms of ideas being conveyed from one mind to another , now we know better .
20 Methanol could well become a significant fuel for transportation and is already being produced from natural gas in New Zealand .
21 And about geriatrics never again being isolated from general medicine and surgery .
22 Early twentieth-century male and female doctors used eugenic concern about the quality and quantity of the race to argue that the welfare of future generations depended on girls being protected from rigorous examination schedules and receiving adequate training in house and mothercraft .
23 I have always thought that the sweetening of the waters of Marah resulted from the removal of the iron by the coagulation and flocculation of iron/tannin complexes , the tannin being derived from that tree — though I think that he [ Moses ] would have had to have bashed it up a bit first .
24 The statistical sources are primarily based upon VAT data analysis , with additional data being provided from various development agency sources .
25 A range of services is being provided from local Family Support Centres which will offer short term care for children on a basis of clear , early decision making , with the close involvement of natural parents and based on an assumption that residential and field workers will be working closely together in planning and providing help for the children and their families .
26 So having got back to Egypt ( and he was being harried from one end of the Western Desert to the other by Rommel ) Boyce found himself in a caravan which was his headquarters and also where he lived when he received an order to hare back as fast as possible to El Alamein .
27 Science fiction enthusiast Wesley , of Dallas , Texas , believes Earth is being observed from outer space .
28 The shrewd Smailes has already agreed to buy the beers all night in the event of a half century being scored from this direction this summer , in one innings that is .
29 Other ports dealt very much in the coastal trade ; if sea transport was expensive , land transport was prohibitively costly , and very slow , so that a number of small ports could flourish on goods being taken from one part of England to another .
30 Although this sounds as if it might be extremely uncomfortable , the cervix , like the vagina , is surprisingly poorly supplied with sensory nerve-endings , and a relaxed patient may be totally unaware that any samples are being taken from this site .
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