Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 WHILE ENJOYING the high quality of play by England during the recent New Zealand tour and latterly the World Cup , and appreciating the fitness they displayed , I could n't help but wonder about the current medical practices being used to prepare players for matches while still injured .
2 Recycled Paper : Already being used to produce materials for mulching , it would only be a short step to make it an ingredient in composts .
3 HE institutions and industrial research bodies are being invited to submit proposals for partnerships involving 20 students each in the first year , and the five best schemes will be funded in 1992–93 .
4 Danger to the policewoman in being asked to do duties for which she is physically unsuited ;
5 The environmental transport campaign group Transport 2000 reminded us in its recent ‘ The Rush for Roads ’ report , that some of the poorest sections of society are being asked to make sacrifices for measures designed to promote economic growth .
6 Their bauble was this striking singer-guitarist with exquisite cheekbones and girl 's eyelashes , who was being asked to model clothes for magazines but not to play at the Albert Hall .
7 SOARING sales mean workers at car giant Rover are being asked to work Sundays for the first time in living memory .
8 In each case , the solution involves balancing the competing claims of each subprocess , thereby ensuring as far as possible that each subprocess is allowed to contribute to the overall interpretation task as fully as it is able to , while not being forced to make decisions for which it , on its own , has insufficient evidence .
9 It emerged that the Government is being forced to alter arrangements for protecting security of supply and impose fines on distribution companies that allow power cuts .
10 Some may prefer to be presented with a prescribed set of facts and skills , whilst others may learn best by being encouraged to discover things for themselves , often as solutions to problems .
11 IN a shock move Wirral Council is being urged to abandon plans for a flagship site which offers the area 's best hope of attracting new industrial investment .
12 The event is being staged to raise funds for Startforth Church Flower Festival .
13 And it is well known that , being required to prepare designs for a useless and costly object by one of our leading nobility , long since deceased , one of princely fortune , but who had an extravagant passion for building , he purposely appealed to the son to advise his father to give the intention ’ .
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