Example sentences of "[being] [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Military adventures abroad that extend for any length of time depend on the legislature being willing to provide the necessary funding and the Senate 's approval of treaties can , by no means be taken for granted .
2 From another point of view , it is an attempt to indicate to those who have to put language curricula into practice , at whatever level — ELT classrooms , lower school , sixth form , university — that there is a great deal to be gained by being prepared to leave the beaten track , as H V Morton did .
3 But although Cuvier won immense prestige for his work as a comparative anatomist , he was unable to convince many naturalists that they should give up all hope of being able to predict the overall pattern of natural relationships and hence the ‘ missing ’ species still waiting to be discovered .
4 This has the physical consequence of relatives and friends not being able to leave the dying person 's side , in case they ‘ miss it ’ .
5 Storytime in ‘ Magician 's Road ’ — As well as being able to enjoy the interactive children 's exhibition called ‘ Magician 's Road ’ , the Museum 's younger visitors will be able to listen to a storytime especially written for them .
6 She was comforted , being able to lay the full quota of blame at her dead sister 's door .
7 But jokes about women drivers ( always told by men ) are about hanging a handbag on the pulled-out choke or never being able to use the rear-view mirror because it 's always positioned for make-up repairs .
8 AML 's usefulness to Ford will come from being able to use the highlyskilled engineering department ( left and below ) as a technological test-bed
9 Like you , on occasions my family and I , along with my parents , have had the benefits of being able to use the National Health Service free of any ongoing financial burden to the family .
10 It was one of the main reasons for the move and already has proved its worth with V.I.P. customers being able to see the large number of ranges fully displayed .
11 The most important thing is that you 're in danger of not being able to ask the nasty questions because the family are all so lovely and you get on so well with them and do n't want to ask impertinent questions . ’
12 They won short corners without being able to penetrate the Old Loughtonians defence and often the final pass went astray , so when the second goal came , the large crowd knew it was all over .
13 Supernaturally strong though the monster was , I could not visualize its being able to scale the sheer outside wall of the tower .
14 On March 21st , a despatch from Falkenhayn admitted that Rupprecht had been right about the British not being able to take the offensive , and at the same time it ordered the withdrawal of three of his divisions for the general reserve .
15 We had read that the Toraja hunted heads until as recently as the 1920s , but they were feared by their neighbours less for their ferocity than for their magic , part of which was their unnerving reputation for being able to cause the dead to walk .
16 For around £20 each we enjoyed the simple pleasures of being able to dance the Gay Gordons round a bonfire at midnight , vomit into a loch instead of on to a pavement , and stumble up hills for the remainder of the week walking off hangovers .
17 There are types of language use which demand the ability to formulate grammatical , correctly bounded sentences , and being able to exploit the formal sentence grammar is one of the most important elements in being able to communicate in a language .
18 Its importance lies in the necessity of being able to compare the current year 's report with previous years ' .
19 One of the most difficult things is not being able to have the impromptu meetings with your colleagues .
20 This control has meant lower margins for retailers , and manufacturers being able to dictate the in-store location of their particular products .
21 If it enabled the latter the crucial theoretical move of being able to reject the classical empiricist conception of knowledge , it was also to put him in the position of even castigating as ‘ historicist ’ any attempts to account for theoretical discourse in terms of its historical conditions of production — perhaps one of the major ways in which he differed from Canguilhem and Foucault .
22 While such machines are still a long way from being able to beat the American champion ( there are about 700 Masters in the US ) , it is clear that the period from 1977 to the present has seen a degree and pace of progress in machine chess that is very different in kind from what went on between 1957 and 1976 .
23 Being able to trace the divine origins through centuries of Imperial continuity , allowed the Emperor 's authority to be treated as an untouchable prerogative .
24 BS is like a man who knows all about swimming , even to the point of being able to train the Olympic team , but who can not swim himself , and V is the man with the normal talent for swimming .
25 Modern styling is all about being able to get the maximum possible mileage out of one outfit , and Clarissa Baldwin 's style needs to be equally appropriate for dealing with mistreated dogs and misguided MPs .
26 After 13 years of Conservative government this country is in rapid economic decline , and yet the medical and education professions seem intent on bearing responsibility for not being able to avoid the inevitable result — a decline in the nation 's health .
27 She gazed at him for a long time without being able to bring the appropriate words to her lips .
28 Barricades Week showed just how far de Gaulle still was from being able to end the Algerian crisis .
29 The cost of equity capital increases with the leverage ratio because of the greater risk of not being able to meet the fixed-interest payments on the bonds .
30 It offers a character great combat skill in return for being able to share the physical and mental sensations of combat .
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