Example sentences of "[being] [adj] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Military adventures abroad that extend for any length of time depend on the legislature being willing to provide the necessary funding and the Senate 's approval of treaties can , by no means be taken for granted .
2 From another point of view , it is an attempt to indicate to those who have to put language curricula into practice , at whatever level — ELT classrooms , lower school , sixth form , university — that there is a great deal to be gained by being prepared to leave the beaten track , as H V Morton did .
3 We can hardly deny that " existence predicates " carry a logically independent descriptive content without being prepared to say the same of " truth-predicates " .
4 From the surviving documentation , annotations on meeting papers , careful notes made of verbal exchanges and copies of correspondence it is possible to reconstruct the broad sequence of events and the serial proposals and counter-proposals which marked a period of intensive and difficult negotiation with neither side being prepared to risk an open breach in relationships which would have been publicly damaging .
5 The final point could hinge on the Government being prepared to drop a financial clause , introduced in the bus privatisation programme , which limits Caldaire to 35pc of any offer above £1.3m .
6 He finds time for them , always being prepared to lend a sympathetic ear or give some friendly confidential advice .
7 She sat down rather stiffly on the grass , being careful to keep a safe distance between them .
8 said it was important that AEA was recognized as being talented to secure a successful future .
9 Secondly , there is a risk that higher prices charged by monopoly suppliers will result in DHAs being able to purchase a lower volume of services than provided at present .
10 Therefore , if a building society prefers lending to white-collar workers wishing to buy modern houses , the chances of an agricultural worker being able to purchase an old terraced house or stone cottage could be slim .
11 But although Cuvier won immense prestige for his work as a comparative anatomist , he was unable to convince many naturalists that they should give up all hope of being able to predict the overall pattern of natural relationships and hence the ‘ missing ’ species still waiting to be discovered .
12 Stiff Little Fingers was my life when I was younger and I jumped at the idea of being able to do a few gigs without spending months away from home and having to worry about recording a new album as soon as we finished .
13 It seems to me hard to do the latter without being able to do the former .
14 Santa Cruz Operation Inc is circulating a 135-page spiral-bound octavo-sized ‘ SCO Hardware Compatibility Handbook , ’ listing the 200 systems and 800 peripherals it supports and tweaking SunSoft Inc for being able to do the same for Solaris 2.0 on a single sheet of paper .
15 In certain cases such improvement can make all the difference between a patient being able to lead a productive life and being able to enjoy his hobbies and pastimes , or lapsing into inactivity and unhappiness .
16 Announcing the measures to parliament , Hawke stated that " the days of our being able to hitch a free ride in a world clamouring , and prepared to pay high prices , for our rural and mineral products are behind us " .
17 This has the physical consequence of relatives and friends not being able to leave the dying person 's side , in case they ‘ miss it ’ .
18 There is nothing better than being able to pick a juicy apple or succulent pear straight from your own tree .
19 Now that Windows has proved to the world that massive files are OK ( yah ! ) you 've as much chance of being able to save a decent sized word-processed document onto a 1.44MB floppy as Madonna has of becoming a nun .
20 What a guide IF YOU are thinking of a driving holiday in France this year it is well worth being able to parle a little motoring Francaise and the AA , along the National Tyre and Autocare have come up with ways of helping to make yourself understood .
21 I like the freedom of being able to wear a crazy jacket instead of the two of us stepping out , all long faces and big , sloppy dresses . ’
22 A chef by profession , he does have the advantage of being able to snatch an odd hour in the garden during the day .
23 Storytime in ‘ Magician 's Road ’ — As well as being able to enjoy the interactive children 's exhibition called ‘ Magician 's Road ’ , the Museum 's younger visitors will be able to listen to a storytime especially written for them .
24 She was comforted , being able to lay the full quota of blame at her dead sister 's door .
25 At present it would be unrealistic to think in terms of every parish being able to sustain a catechetical programme for all its parishioners .
26 This is rather like being able to draw a straight line tangent at any point on a smooth curve .
27 It also gave him the excuse for being able to claim a whole series of ‘ expenditures ’ on his taxation forms , such as furnishings , heating , materials and travel .
28 ‘ Stateless societies ’ have existed , in which political conflicts and decisions are bound up with kinship relations , or with religious conceptions and rituals , and all or most adult members of society may participate in these activities , without any specialized group of people being able to claim a particular responsibility for carrying them on .
29 Apart from being able to use a wider range of taps and fittings ( including ‘ aerated ’ taps ) , the main advantages of an unvented system are :
30 But jokes about women drivers ( always told by men ) are about hanging a handbag on the pulled-out choke or never being able to use the rear-view mirror because it 's always positioned for make-up repairs .
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