Example sentences of "[being] [adj] [verb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 We can hardly deny that " existence predicates " carry a logically independent descriptive content without being prepared to say the same of " truth-predicates " .
2 Stiff Little Fingers was my life when I was younger and I jumped at the idea of being able to do a few gigs without spending months away from home and having to worry about recording a new album as soon as we finished .
3 It seems to me hard to do the latter without being able to do the former .
4 Santa Cruz Operation Inc is circulating a 135-page spiral-bound octavo-sized ‘ SCO Hardware Compatibility Handbook , ’ listing the 200 systems and 800 peripherals it supports and tweaking SunSoft Inc for being able to do the same for Solaris 2.0 on a single sheet of paper .
5 It did not meet the socialist ideal of being able to impose the same solution from Whitehall on every part of England .
6 Port erm , borrowing , and I think some Tory members are being disingenuous to say the least on this issue .
7 6.4 Non-competition It may not be in the best interests of the landlord or the tenant for there to be several units within a shopping centre being entitled to sell the same goods or services .
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