Example sentences of "at every step " in BNC.

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1 The temperature rose a little and the snow became impossible ; at every step we had to haul our legs out of deep holes .
2 Harriet often came to stay at Netherhampton to catch up on all the ‘ gossip of Salisbury ’ and to take her mind off her romance with Shelley , thwarted at every step by her brother Charles .
3 He lurched at every step and emitted squeaks of either joy or horror — it was impossible to tell — when the pony trotted a couple of paces to catch up with its companions .
4 In all these ways , then , sampling has its problems and bias must be guarded against at every step .
5 Nell noticed slight shadowy changes at every step .
6 Over two and a half years of research and development have gone into Aldercare Ltd 's Abacus Practice Management package , and chartered accountants have been involved at every step .
7 At every step I was told not to do it because I was bound to suffer from the kind of prejudice I was always talking about .
8 I had a damp cigarette in the shelter of a doorway — but there was nothing to be gained by hanging about here and I set off , squelching at every step , along the road to Shiel Bridge .
9 But new barriers were built up at every step , so he continued to seek an opportunity to resign , if this could be done without disobedience to the will of God .
10 At every step they fall back , foxed and flummoxed by the snow , tripping over buried buckets , breaking their shins on hidden cobbles .
11 It was no more than three hundred yards distant , and he could see the great flattened scimitars of its horns swaying above the grass as it advanced , scenting the breeze at every step .
12 It declared itself at every step .
13 The NHS reforms should help to ensure that these needs are taken into account at every step of planning and providing health care .
14 It will be swift and sharp , and Spectrum Radio will be policed at every step . ’
15 At every step there is a return to the security of the guiding walls to check if everything is still alright ; There is an excess of procedure .
16 Rigid plans that only work if they are adhered to at every step rarely provide the means for getting back on target once a significant deviation has occurred .
17 She did n't look back , and she did n't linger , but her ears were pricked at every step .
18 She was also clutching his knee and he was swinging her up on his foot at every step and she was screaming and laughing .
19 He was their leader , a soldier , but dressed like a popinjay in multi-coloured hose , a billowing tabard of blue and silver jagged at the edge , a lace-ruffed collar , lambskin gloves and high-heeled Spanish riding boots festooned with bells which tinkled at every step he took .
20 His head was throbbing and his body was a bruise radiating from a single abscess of pain that cut through him at every step .
21 At every step of the way , some fractional increase in lung area will be an advantage .
22 bangs him upstairs so that his boots bang against the stairs at every step , he has n't time to put his feet down !
23 Already Parfois seemed to lie behind them , and Harry had almost lost that tense expectation that at every step someone would reach out and take him by the shoulder to haul him back into captivity .
24 Harry went slowly and cautiously through the gully , feeling his way at every step until his eyes had accustomed themselves to the darkness , and could judge distances and distinguish the shapes of the weathered planes of rock that leaned over him .
25 Hard fingers encircled his arm and haled him out of the room , and he went like one in a dream , unable to resist but ready for some treacherous pitfall to open under his feet at every step .
26 In the mud , which the shelling had now turned to a consistency of sticky butter , troops stumbled and fell repeatedly ; cursing in low undertones , as if fearful of being overheard by the enemy who relentlessly pursued them with his shells at every step .
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