Example sentences of "at a speed " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , the 50Hz or 60Hz frequencies , relating to the two-pole magnetising rotor fields on synchronous alternators ( running at a speed of 3,000 or 3,600 rpm ) , happen to be close to the frequency at which ions in bodies respond to , while in 50µT of the geomagnetic field .
2 The first Atlantic cable operated at a speed of around 3 words/min , equating to a bandwidth of about 1.5Hz/s .
3 The pull was made on to a slightly uphill gradient and into the wind , in spite of this a record breaking 100 metres was reached in 40.8 seconds at a speed of 4.5 mph .
4 The chute is a perfect dish hovering a metre or so above the snow and hauling me downwind at a speed that would be unthinkable on Nordic skis .
5 We are flying at a height of 11,000 metres and at a speed of just under 750kph .
6 She caught the reins or bridle in her hands , and there hung suspended for a second as Anmer rushed on at a speed of over thirty miles an hour .
7 At a speed of fifty yards in fifteen minutes it would take me another eight hours to reach the road .
8 ‘ If any competitor goes around the course at a speed that is likely to give a faster than 1hr 50min finish time there will be real problems and it is likely that wheelchairs will be excluded from future London marathons . ’
9 I mention that this mechanical bird has three blades because we have here something of great importance for a photographer — the three blades are designed to give a far smoother ride than the two-bladed machine , and because of this it is possible to shoot at a speed as low as 125th of a second .
10 Phases A ( which must be shorter ) and C are the ‘ roads and tracks ’ , a fairly long distance to be ridden at a speed of 220 metres per minute , ( a good trot , on average ) .
11 The mass of new , hot rock forcing its way up through the crater floor had both helped to displace the water from the crater , and heated it up to nearly boiling point , so it was a scalding torrent that flashed down the valley , travelling at a speed of something like ninety kilometres an hour .
12 On 30 March , however , an exceptionally violent explosion occurred , blowing off the top 200 metres of the volcano , and propagating a dense eruption cloud which expanded upwards at a speed estimated to be something like 500 metres per second , finally reaching a height of thirty-eight kilometres .
13 They were carried along on their gently-moving conveyor belt at a speed of about one and a half kilometres an hour , while they made determinations of the viscosity of the lava beneath the rubbly crust , and eventually hopped off again , none the worse for wear .
14 A diamond , mounted on a spinning saw-blade , slams into the workpiece at a speed comparable with the cruising speed of a car .
15 An Olympic walker uses more energy than a jogger moving at the same speed , because he is walking at a speed where his muscles would use less energy if they were operating a spring than if moving a pendulum .
16 Competing vehicles have to cover a ten-mile course carrying a driver at a speed of at least 15 miles per hour .
17 This comes from training which is done at a speed close to , and occasionally above , your aerobic threshold — which is approximately the pace of your best 10 miles .
18 The Maggot whooped , dragged the stick back and our earthwards wing lifted and suddenly we were screaming just above the palm trees , close to the tiled roofs and at a speed that seemed to be doubled because of our proximity to the ground .
19 Where a driver says ‘ I was blinded by the sun ’ or ‘ There was a patch of fog ’ or ‘ The road was covered with black ice ’ , he should have stopped , reduced his speed or driven at a speed which was safe .
20 With peeled veneer , a round log is heated in a steam pit for about twenty-four hours and then set up and rotated in a lathe in which a long knife peels the veneer circumferentially at a speed which is wonderful to watch .
21 Three time Gold Race winner John Sharp added a fourth win when he brought the DR90 No 3 , Nemesis , home to a Gold race finish at a speed of 238.175 .
22 As peregrines have been known to dive at a speed of 180 miles an hour , they hit their prey with such force that they often break its neck , and sometimes even break the head clean off .
23 with unusual curtness and drove off at a speed which suggested that Darren was about to enjoy a gratifyingly exciting ride .
24 Listening : a text is dictated at a speed which allows only key words to be noted .
25 Riding on the back of a tempestuous wind , this journey became an epic of its time , being accomplished at a speed which remained unequalled until surpassed by an aeroplane more than a century later .
26 The foil was wound on a supply spool from which it was fed over a flat surface on to a take-up spool at a speed proportional to time .
27 The new ‘ Teletel Vitesse Rapide ’ will operate at a speed of 9,600bps , double the present rate .
28 The electrical activity propagates beyond the cotyledon and through the plant at a speed of between 1 and 4mms -1 .
29 There is evidence in wheat leaves for a hydraulic signal that propagates at a speed of at least 100mms -1 from the site of wounding and is associated with electrical events recorded at the plant surface .
30 The company is banking on communications technology arriving in time so that the dispersed machines can be linked together at a speed of at least 100 Mbytes per second — FDDI runs at 100 M-bits per second , and the company is looking at Asynchronous Transfer Mode , the emerging broadband fixed-cell packet system for the links .
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