Example sentences of "at the weekend " in BNC.

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1 Mr Kinnock hinted at the weekend that direct democracy was likely to become mandatory relatively soon .
2 But at the weekend , although Mrs Aquino said she would respect any Supreme Court decision , she said she had received ‘ highly sensitive ’ information that strengthened her resolve .
3 BULAWAYO , ZIMBABWE ( Reuter ) — Joshua Nkomo , 72 , threw a huge birthday and 40th wedding anniversary party at the weekend and President Robert Mugabe was there to seal the unity between the former rivals .
4 News of Mr Porras 's arrest followed the explosion of 13 bombs at the weekend , some of which damaged six schools in Bogota .
5 BARRISTERS could retain much of their monopoly over advocacy in the higher courts under a subtle agenda for discussion spelled out by Lord Donaldson , the Master of the Rolls , as he opened the Bar 's annual conference in London at the weekend .
6 ‘ PRO-LIFE ’ campaigners pledged at the weekend to launch a ‘ make or break ’ drive to roll back the abortion laws .
7 Phyllis Bowman said at the weekend that the best the society could hope for would be reducing the time limit to 18 weeks .
8 Sylvia comes from nine to five each weekday , and nurses are on duty between six and 10 every evening and for a few hours at the weekend .
9 He was one of 60 security guards at the weekend party in a field near Reigate .
10 Howell , Labour MP for Small Heath , claimed that violence at the weekend was caused by groups of Birmingham City followers — totalling at least 300 - arriving in Blackpool without tickets for the Third Division match .
11 The measures will run to the end of 1990 , the same period as wage controls imposed at the weekend .
12 Surrey police say the film would help identify participants at the weekend party , near Reigate , Surrey , where 16 police were injured .
13 With so many pages , the decision to divide the paper into separate sections : home and foreign news , society and culture , economics and business news with special supplements , books and ideas on Friday , arts and listings on Thursday and a radio/television guide at the weekend , has been dictated by the problems of readability as much as anything else .
14 The first thing he did on arriving in Manchester at the weekend was pop over unannounced to Billy Boston 's pub in Wigan , where his likeness jostles for space with the owner 's on the tap room wall .
15 In front of a sizeable crowd at the weekend , Clitheroe , the visitors , won 2-0 .
16 Milan , who faltered at the weekend with a 3-0 defeat at the hands of the current league leaders , Napoli , have slipped to seventh place , partly because of the absence of van Basten and his compatriot , Ruud Gullit , who is seeing a doctor on Monday about his cartilage injury .
17 Government officials in Bonn said that the Soviet Union had played a key role in obtaining the agreement under which the thousands who had taken refuge in the Prague and Warsaw embassies were taken to the West at the weekend .
18 East Germans in Prague said they had seen building work begin at the weekend to make it more effective .
19 Mr Bland said last night : ‘ Our scheme is designed to ensure that LWT is in a position to make and broadcast programmes at the weekend from 1993 onwards . ’
20 As a rule , those who can afford it seem increasingly to temper the urban living of the weekday with a touch of rural life at the weekend .
21 ‘ I know there will be those who are unhappy … but I am also convinced that millions of Argentines are applauding this measure , ’ he said at the weekend .
22 CATHOLIC BISHOPS stepped into the Spanish political arena at the weekend by warning Basques not to vote in this month 's elections for Herri Batasuna , the legal arm of ETA , the Basque terrorist group .
23 A COURT in Turin , the home of Italy 's Fiat group , declined at the weekend to try Fiat 's chief executive and three senior managers on charges of violating workers ' safety statutes , citing fears of an unspecified ‘ threat to public order ’ .
24 THE WEST GERMAN government yesterday expressed ‘ great concern and deep dismay ’ at police violence against East Germans demonstrating for reform at the weekend .
25 The name discarded at the weekend was invented during the 1956 uprising as a gesture of total break with the Stalinist past .
26 A video image of Dale Kunzler , 10 , from Todmorden , West Yorkshire , is projected upside down on a screen behind him during a video workshop at the ‘ Let's Make A Film ’ Festival held at the National Museum of Photography , Film and Television in Bradford at the weekend .
27 The advertisements appeared in Novoye Russkoye at the weekend , causing a buzz of excitement in the Soviet expatriate enclave of Brighton Beach , also known as Little Odessa .
28 The death at the weekend of Siho Iyiguven , who threw himself on a burning mattress at Harmondsworth detention centre , near Heathrow , was followed yesterday with further suicide threats by detainees who barricaded themselves into their dormitory .
29 It happened shortly after 500 athletes set off on the Rowntree Athletic Club 's 10-mile road race at the weekend .
30 A team was also carrying out checks on all 250 addicts registered with the Turning Point drugs centre in Worcester , where the body of Mrs Page-Alucard , aged 41 , was found at the weekend .
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