Example sentences of "at [art] expense " in BNC.

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1 The Story of Art highlights change and development , sadly at the expense of art which is less varied , of however high a quality .
2 This not an invariable pattern for monographs , but readers can usually expect that the central figure of a book will receive prominence at the expense of any other artists .
3 It 's a very funny joke , but it works at the expense of treating her like a child , which is not at all what the novel usually intends .
4 The music of the words is there to be used — but not at the expense of the sense and emotional content .
5 As such , their own life-styles , societies , and schools have been relatively protected , but perhaps at the expense of political action .
6 The Victorian pub is now threatened in two ways : because it is not understood as a historic document , and because certain isolated elements in Victorian pub design have been overemphasised at the expense of others .
7 The increasing stylistic simplification of the 1930s led to a ‘ moderne ’ style being adopted for pubs , although this was not always wholly at the expense of Tudor or Georgian .
8 The fear is always that the outside will be presented with the chance to gain knowledge and power at the expense of the institution ; although this is often only obliquely implied :
9 Again a metaphorical breach of a sacred boundary has occurred and an ‘ enemy ’ made a gain at the expense of the integrity of the inside !
10 Always the quantitative element is emphasized by the CID at the expense of any qualitative aspect of social order or harmony .
11 In this setting the qualitative was constantly under evaluation at the expense of the quantitative measure , for the ‘ wise ’ amongst us who were present knew that the statistical return often gives a skewed version of complex social events , although it speaks volumes about the way our systems of control are generated and maintained .
12 Later , the introduction of pointes and the ‘ ballerina ’ skirt led to the dominant role of the ballerina at the expense of the male dancer and this brought further changes in the patterns .
13 HE admits that the end product has been improved at the expense of character but quotes the co-op 's slogan : ‘ Consistently better , consistently bitter ’ .
14 Its flickering epidemic relish at the expense of clerks and governesses and expectant mothers is wilder than irresponsibility and more furious than Saturnalian record .
15 In practice , binary oppositions are very liable to favour one term at the expense of the other , and there can be no doubt that Bakhtin preferred the dialogic to the monologic ( a bias that is evident in everyday English , where to engage in dialogue is good , and to utter a monologue is rather bad ) .
16 Rhetoric was a thing he would gladly have murdered ; and he had already carried out his theory of honest thinking at the expense of considerable financial and perhaps emotional sacrifices .
17 I have in mind How To Read , a disastrously misnamed little treatise , since its real subject is How to Write , and it is addressed to what Pound called ( with the engagingly dated Edwardian elegance that he never wholly shed ) ‘ the neophyte ’ — that is to say , to the young American writer who wants to know as soon as possible , though at the expense of considerable exertion which he is prepared for , how to assemble his kit of tools for the job in hand and others that he can dimly foresee .
18 And if Pound so blithely overlooks that difference , does n't that mean that we have in him a critic who attends to form , to style , at the expense of what that form and that style are used so as to convey ?
19 It was also signed by two captains , Javier Licona and Jesus George Balma , known to be unhappy at recent promotions of majors loyal to the general , at the expense of officers considered of questionable loyalty .
20 It would come predominantly from middle-aged , middle-class voters in the South and be chiefly at the expense of the Social and Liberal Democrats , Social Democrats and Greens .
21 Mr Lenarduzzi 's sleep is also disturbed by the thought that the interests of the nation may only be served at the expense of local needs or , indeed , that purely academic considerations might distort the wider implications of a proper education .
22 Explaining a new policy drift which will respect local political will at the expense of new development , Mr Patten said : ‘ Over the next 10 or 12 years we are going to need substantial numbers of new houses .
23 The new policy will drop , for the first time since its introduction in the early Eighties , a presumption in favour of house-building at the expense of other conservation considerations .
24 He said yesterday that the share of urban land in the South-east would grow by about 1 per cent , at the expense of rural land .
25 It can legislate arbitrarily to deprive groups of citizens of their basic rights or freedoms , to enlarge its own powers at the expense of local government , to weaken the ability of the media to inform the public , or to sap judicial independence .
26 It seems that Watkins 's energies have gone into making sure he has got the details right at the expense of analysis .
27 Pattenism is not to be a continuation of Ridleyism : an important theme underlying the whole speech was that he intends not to err on the side of market forces at the expense of planning restrictions .
28 Having burned their fingers two years ago , senior Ford executives will continue to press for change , but preferably not at the expense of another strike .
29 Before long West Germany 's Bundestag may confront the same problem : the federal elections late next year could give the Republicans enough votes to achieve representation — and not necessarily at the expense of Hans-Dietrich Genscher 's Free Democrats .
30 Sir : If John Prescott thinks that higher taxes on motor vehicles , lower speed limits , charges for urban road use , cuts in tax perks for company cars , random breath testing , enforcement of parking restrictions , revitalised public transport and a general prejudice in favour of pedestrians , cyclists and public transport at the expense of cars will win the Labour Party votes , he 's darn right .
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