Example sentences of "at [art] beginning " in BNC.

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31 AT the beginning of the 1980s passengers experienced great variances of comfort and style on InterCity and cross-country trains mainly according to whether they were travelling in one of the three basic designs that made up most of the fleet , one each from the fifties , sixties and seventies .
32 The tour is repeated , as are the chords , at the beginning of each variation which features a different orchestral section and its accompanying set of dancers .
33 In other words , what happens at the beginning of the story states why the relationships between two or more characters lead to confrontations which continue onwards to a climax and finally draw the ballet to a suitable conclusion .
34 A dancer coming forwards can convey a variety of meaning : giving a greeting ; asking a question , even if it is only an inquisitive movement of the head ; saying Yes , or agreeing with a nod or with a particular wave of the hand ; giving something with arms circling outwards , e.g. Natalia and the Tutor when they open their arms to each other ; or merely proffering a hand at the beginning of a dance , e.g. Paris offering his hand to Juliet .
35 Leavis , at the beginning of his career a whole-hearted admirer of Eliot , took over Eliot 's tentative critical models and systematized them .
36 It is possible for sixth-form students in British secondary schools to take the Advanced- ( ‘ A ’ — ) level examination for school-leavers in such subjects as philosophy or economics or sociology , but it is not at all common , and incoming university students of these subjects usually begin at the beginning , with open minds but with the necessary commitment to learning .
37 At the beginning of the year , however , the trend argument was much more plausible than it is today .
38 Mr Sheppard , who qualified as a chartered secretary at the beginning of his career , believes their skills will become highly relevant during the 1990s .
39 Set in Uppsala at the beginning of the century , it tells the story of Bergman 's parents , and will be made for two different formats : as a four-part series for televsion , and as two feature films for cinemas .
40 These unfavourable contrasts were commonplace at the beginning of the decade and were at the heart of the centrist critique of two-party politics as then played .
41 Or so he says at the beginning of his book .
42 Then , at the beginning of this week , the ANC and a group of South African academics and businessmen chose London as the scene of the latest in the series of black-white encounters which have become a regular feature of South African political life , while Mrs Thatcher gave interviews to four leading black journalists .
43 At the beginning , she was very isolated .
44 Their captain Sandy Lister , who was a doubtful starter at the beginning of the week , has recovered from a bout of tonsillitis and will play .
45 Another boost to the market has been the removal of turnover tax at the beginning of this year , which tripled volumes .
46 AS WE reported at the beginning of September , an increase in the fixed price agreed each year between Champagne 's growers and merchants seemed inevitable , putting further pressure on prices that are already affected by rising demand .
47 According to Air Vice Marshall Peter Howard , who is in charge of selecting the astronaut , the Soviets can choose four ‘ finalists ’ but the British then decide on the two people who will leave for Moscow at the beginning of December .
48 The loans are fixed until April 1990 to get over what was at the beginning of the week ‘ the current period of uncertainty ’ and has now become a gloomy fact .
49 Notwithstanding , Mr Quiles commissioned a report into strategies for reform and its controversial recommendations , made public at the beginning of last month , immediately drew the wrath of the unions .
50 The Law Game suffers uniquely by its audience : you know that they are there , because they applaud at the beginning .
51 South African forces in Namibia have been cut from the 40,000 there on 1 April , at the beginning of the independence plan , to a token 1,500 .
52 However , Sheila Payne , from the Department of Psychology , University of Exeter , has discovered that women being treated for breast or ovarian cancer were much more anxious half-way through their treatment than they had been at the beginning .
53 Sheila Payne argues in Counselling Psychology that women would benefit from attention throughout their treatment — not just at the beginning .
54 ‘ What seemed so hard at the beginning was the limitation that calling her Down 's and handicapped would have on her new life .
55 ‘ I came here at the beginning of the week thinking that this was my last tournament for the year , maybe forever , ’ Evert said .
56 But they begin at the beginning , with three works derived from the Greeks ; the first is Euripides 's dramatised cantata of desolation , The Trojan Women .
57 Nicholas Monu 's Poseidon seizes the attention at the beginning , but the scale of the speeches one actor after another must face is daunting .
58 Since the formation of Lloyds Abbey Life at the beginning of the year , Mr Seymour has been the company 's deputy chairman as well as group director Europe for Abbey Life .
59 After touching 23 cents , Bond Corp shares closed at 25 cents , down 4 cents on the day and compared with A$1.78 at the beginning of the year .
60 If a net 1,400-1,500 underwriting members leave the market , Lloyd 's total membership will be reduced from its record high point of 33,532 at the beginning of last year to just over 30,000 .
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