Example sentences of "at [art] top " in BNC.

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1 What is valuable is to see that here is a critic writing at the top of his bent .
2 Difficulties can be many , at the top of the list being the number of items to be catalogued .
3 A mash tun showing the sparging arms at the top and the slotted base
4 His bleary eyes filled with tears but he tilted his head back and glared at the top of the tent .
5 I had nearly got to the front door when Father appeared at the top of the stairs .
6 I read it through , then crossed out where she had written ‘ Miss ’ at the top and wrote ‘ Dr ’ instead .
7 I mean , I 'm not saying I want us to be living at the top of a tower block on some vandalized estate but there 's more to life than this , I know there is . ’
8 An alternative is to put the planted-up bowls in black polythene sacks ties at the top and keep them in a cold greenhouse or cool , frost-free outhouse , garage or shed .
9 If you cut them back when they reach a manageable height they 'll retain their shape but will sprout a forest of shoots at the top .
10 For earwigs bend on molesting your chrysanthemums , wood-wool or hay stuffed into a small flowerpot hung upside down at the top of a cane offers a similarly unsafe and temporary lodging .
11 Drill a small hole at the top to screw the potholder firmly into position .
12 Cutting should be about 9in long , cut just below a leaf joint at the bottom , and just above a leaf joint at the top .
13 Where possible , shape the hedge so that is narrower at the top , admitting light to growth near the base .
14 Will I need room at the top and bottom of the stairs ?
15 James nodded to him as though for confirmation and then said loudly , ‘ Let us go to the Castle — ’ He became aware that the further reaches of the crowd were out of hearing and shouted at the top of his voice , ‘ Let us go — along to the Castle — and let us see — what John Menzies — will do about the Act ! ’
16 He dreamed , each time , of his plantation in Jamaica — banana palms leafed like green fountains , bright orange papaws clustered at the top of their naked stems , a noise of surf quickened the air with its rustling freshness .
17 Up the slope , at the top of his semi-circular steps , Alexander Menzies was waiting for them in his best silk coat like a dandy at a ball , with a straightfaced young man standing by his side .
18 As the men at the windlass rope heaved and a long timber started to rise up and swing , the wheel on the pulley squealed like an injured dog and the man stationed at the top of the wall took a stickful of thick grease from a pot , leaned out , and worked it into the axle .
19 Fix it to a convenient base to stand vertical and attach a pointer at the top to measure deflection .
20 ‘ When we had ascended a little more than half-way , I was much afraid we should have been doomed to return , on account of the masses of rock , over which we had to climb , beginning to increase in size ; we knew , however , that a descent would have been attended with infinite danger , and being urged on partly by eagerness in our pursuit , but more from a desire to be at the top , we determined to brave every difficulty .
21 There should be clips attached to the bath frame at the top , and at the base the panel will be held by sticky pads located on a floor-mounted batten .
22 The on/off switch at the top of the main handle is very easy to operate with the thumb .
23 To start the saw , the starting lock at the top of the handle has to be pressed forwards and at the same time the trigger switch is squeezed .
24 If you can , write to the address at the top of the page , and we 'll forward your letters to Mr Smith — Ed .
25 The 6092DWK Drill/Driver is at the top of the Pro-Range of cordless drills .
26 Therefore he is asking for trouble , and he receives it suddenly and in full measure , above the groundswell of heckling , at the hands of a divinity student who reminds him at the top of his voice about Fedka , a dangerous escaped convict now roaming ‘ our town ’ and originally a serf of Stepan 's whom he sold into military service to pay a gambling debt :
27 If he can produce no grand reason for abandoning left-wing Labour attitudes , people will be forgiven if they conclude that the change was cynical and opportunistic and that Mr Kinnock is more interested in gaining office than in doing anything in particular once he has arrived at the top .
28 While Speelman can be relied upon to finish just above half-way in any international event , Timman 's name frequently features either at the top or near the bottom .
29 But his victory at Stoke on Saturday has him back at the top of the list .
30 The conference approved the Economic Equality policy review which proposes : Ending tax on childcare ; Introducing a minimum wage starting at half of average male earnings ( £2.80 an hour ) , rising to two-thirds the average ; Income tax levels of no higher than 50 per cent at the top , down to less than 20 per cent at the bottom ; ‘ A significant and generous increase in child benefit over the lifetime of the Parliament ’ ; To tax gifts and inheritance at the point of receipt ; To crack down on tax loopholes ; Raise pensions immediately by £5 for single people and £8 for couples ; To introduce a new disability benefit ; To simplify income support rules ; To keep mortgage interest tax relief ‘ at a single rate equivalent to the basic rate relief which we inherit ’ .
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