Example sentences of "at [art] cost " in BNC.

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1 But he does all this at the cost of suspending a due sense of the tendency there has also been for poets to see further than their noses , and to speak out , and to go to the wall for it .
2 Even at the cost of dropping duck-rabbit effect and cast shadows .
3 But the scattered activity of different parts of the nervous system seems to converge only at the cost of merging , and so losing , the components that come together in the process of convergence , rather in the manner of snowflakes joining a drift .
4 Appeals over the nurses ' regrading are coming through with no extra cash to pay for them , and , ironically , in the Thames regions the slump in house prices has slowed staff turnover ; vacancy levels , which helped balance the books at the cost of quality and volume of service , are lower .
5 Above all , a ban on strikes is dangerous as it could only be implemented at the cost of Mr Gorbachev 's package of political reforms .
6 Mr Murphy says eligibility levels which took account of variations between households and actual , rather than assumed , figures for tax and housing , could be definitively assessed by further analysis of detailed Family Expenditure Survey statistics at the cost of only a few thousand pounds .
7 Even so , there was broad agreement that this evidence of innovation and vibrancy was being achieved at the cost of institutional inertia , a reluctance to champion enterprise , and an avoidance of any deep-seated restoration of the national economy .
8 It was truly a hegemony that extended the market ethic beneath the shelter of an increasingly powerful state apparatus , at the cost of both social cohesion and personal liberty .
9 These included the Foreign Office ( allegedly too pro-EEC and generally too prone to make diplomatic concessions at the cost of British interests ) , the Civil Service Department ( too accommodating during the civil servants ' pay strike in 1981 ) , the Department of Employment ( allegedly too ‘ soft ’ under Mr Prior ) , and Education ( allegedly too sympathetic to the education lobbies ) .
10 They may intervene in the work of some departments but only at the cost of neglecting broad strategy and the work of others .
11 Through their sponsorship of cricket , Cornhill , until recently a little-known City insurance company , turned themselves into a household name at the cost of a million pounds over five years .
12 This , as argued here before , is the one question capable of splitting the Tory Party , at least to the extent of creating factions with a passionate attachment to their prejudices , and no great reluctance to insist on them even at the cost of deep party division .
13 Either the more prudential economies like West Germany and Japan will have to de-regulate — at the cost of still higher real interest rates — or the liberals will have to re-regulate in order to avoid macro-economic retribution .
14 It was unlikely that countries like Brazil , China and India , which would be the largest consumers of energy in the future , would succumb to international treaties or conventions limiting energy use at the cost of economic development .
15 If other countries resist a realignment , then a real appreciation can only come about if their inflation falls below Germany 's , at the cost of slower growth .
16 They are prepared to vote against the government , even at the cost of a damaging row just before an election .
17 In cases of doubt , a trustee may protect himself by obtaining , at the cost of the trust property , the direction of the court , and the Trustee Act 1925 , s. 61 , had enabled the court to relieve a trustee , who has acted honestly and reasonably and ought fairly to be excused , from liability for breach of trust .
18 Anxiety to hear and record last words was still strong at a time when anaesthetics were beginning to come into use , making it possible to reduce suffering , though often at the cost of rendering the dying person comatose and inarticulate .
19 Joshua 6 ends with a curse pronounced over the charred corpses of the city 's inhabitants , promising anyone who might rebuild the city that he will do so at the cost of the lives of his own children .
20 The result would be that killings were classified and labelled in a more refined way , but at the cost of lengthy trials and mounting legal-aid bills .
21 Austerity was Britain 's peculiar reward for surviving World War II unbeaten at the cost of selling her foreign assets and taking on a crippling load of debt to the United States .
22 Look at the cost of staging and shelving as well as automatic ventilators , insulation and shading materials .
23 ‘ The world itself is God 's greatest miracle ’ , he wrote , defending God 's freedom to work miracles at the cost of dissolving the idea of a nature which is subject to its own laws in the freedom of the divine will .
24 It may be that Somerset was as much in the grip of the obsession to unite England and Scotland as ever Edward I or Henry VIII had been , while like them asserting English power in France ; for he continued Henry 's policy of war on two fronts , at enormous financial expense , and ultimately at the cost of his own position in England .
25 Now if there are changes , such as non-replacing teeth and non-dividing nerve cells , which make young animals more efficient , at the cost of condemning old animals to senescence , these changes will be favoured by natural selection , if only because most animals die of accidents anyway before they are old .
26 In those Whig-dominated years he found that England was preponderantly not Whig but Tory ; he found that a corruption-wielding establishment could win elections only in the , numerically preponderant , boroughs and even then only at the cost of an enormously expensive patronage machine .
27 His dedication brought him swift advancement at the cost of alienating his contemporaries , who regarded him as an arrogant , stand-offish prig .
28 If a minimum wage were introduced , Dewhirst would relocate much of its manufacturing to the Far East at the cost of thousands of British jobs , he said , adding that at least a quarter of the jobs in the industry would be lost .
29 But a man who has struggled to make Labour electable , at the cost of jettisoning his beliefs , might still have the heart to continue that battle .
30 But there has been no sign of panic flight as they remain convinced that they can still leave Libya by road , albeit at the cost of a 12-hour drive through the desert .
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